Together We Help One Another

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"Y-you, t-too," Tara greets.

"So, what have you been doing for the last three years?" Xander asks.

She tells us about her actress career, Angel saving her life from a vampire, Doyle, Doyle dying to save the world, the visions, Wesley and Gunn and Fred's arrival, how Angel and the crew rescued her from Pylea, Darla being pregnant with Connor because of a prophecy, Darla staking herself to save everyone the trouble, Angelus turning Lilah, and Angel firing everyone.

She takes a cracker from a plate on the table and eats it.

Xander Harris

Everyone is silent, until I speak.

"Are you going to go back to LA after this?" I ask.

"I don't know. I miss it here. I might stay," Cor replies.

This thrills me.

"If you do, welcome home."

Buffy Summers

I can't believe how much Cordelia has changed. I don't know much about visions, but I'm guessing that's what changed her.

There's something else, too; pain. I sense it with my Slayer senses. All I know is that she's not a bitch anymore.

Anya Jenkins

I'm silent, as I watch everyone. She has to get rid of the visions or she'll die from them. I don't want Xander to know though, which is why I don't say anything. Then Buffy introduces her to Dawn.

Tara Maclay

I sense pain from her and it worries me. I see her aurora, which is why I'm worried. All the colors are blended together, and there's more black and gray than anything. Gray means a certain amount of fading, while black means death and pain. This all sums up to two things. She's dying and has and is suffering.

Spike a.k.a William the Bloody

It's been a few years since I've seen her, but she has the same charm as she did a few years ago. Though, she isn't a big fan of me. I'm the one that captured Red and Cordelia's boyfriend. Now they're exes because I captured them and they kissed. She hates me because I played a part in it.

"Since it's our reunion, why don't we go do our thing? For old times, you know," Cordelia suggests.

"Great," Xander says.

"Yeah. We should," Red says.

"Stay here," Buffy tells Dawn, before we walk off.

Harmony Kendall

I see them leave, but Dawn is left behind as usual. If I'm right, and I usually am these days, they're going to go patrolling and Slaying together. I'm left behind too because they don't tell me anything.

Spuffy (Spike/Buffy)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang