Main Story///Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

"Dust are you sure you know where we're going?"

Dust nodded and patted Blues skull, "of course! Killer sent me directions"

Blue stared werily at his surroundings, he was shaking in his boots.

He walked close to Dust as they progressed further into the forest.

Dust accidentally stepped on a twig causing it to snap. Blue screeched and jumped onto Dust, having a death grip on him,

"Blue what the hell!?"

Blue let go of Dust and landed on the ground,

"Sorry, I just got startled there"

Dust rubbed the back of his skull, "startled is only one way to put it"

They continued walking down the path while staring at the scenery around them.

Dust finally broke the silence, "what do you think Inks at that place for"

Blue frowned, "I'm not so sure.....whatever it is, it can't be good"

Dust nodded and patted Blues skull for reassurance, "yeah I guess so, but I'm sure it'll be fine!"

Blue looked up at Dust who was smiling at him, Blue knew he was only doing that for his sake.

They both knew that Ink was far from fine.

Blue sighed and continued walking, he was determined to save his friend,

And if that resulted in something terrible, he was ready for it.


Geno continued to lead the group down the path. Ignoring all of Reaper's remarks and all of the complaining was a tough job.

Geno checked the watch on his wrist and looked at the time, 18:05

Geno then looked at the sky, the sun was beginning to set, he looked back at Nightmare,

"I think we should stop here, the suns setting and it'll be no good wandering in the dark"

Nightmare nodded and passed on the message, causing alot of sighs of relief.

Geno sat under a small oak tree and laid his head back, Error sat next to him,

"yOu LoOk TiReD"

Geno smirked, "heh, you think?"

Error leaned back against the tree, "I gOt A mEsSaGe EaRlIeR, iT wAs AbOuT FResh"

Geno sat up, his pale eye shined in the growing dark, "what happened? Is fresh ok? Please tell me hes alright!"

Error snorted, "gEeZ sUcH a MoM, nAh HeS fInE jUsT fAiLiNg AlL hIs ClAsSeS"

Geno sighed with relief, "well I guess that's not much of a surprise"

Geno thought back to when he and Error were leaving for school, Fresh ran up to them and practically begged to go, of course they had to refuse the 8 year olds request.

Geno smiled, a full smile, he hadn't done that in a long time, Error spoke again,

"HoW mUcH dO yOu WaNt To BeT tHaT mOm'S gOiNg tO bE pIssEd?"

Geno snorted, "nothing, because we all know that she is already pissed that she got left to take care of Fresh"

Error laughed, "yEaH"

Geno knew that his mother cared for her youngest son, but an 8 year old like Fresh was a pain to deal with all the time.

Geno stared up at the sky as the stars began to show, he'd always wonder what would happen if he could have a star, one of his own. Just for him.

Course now days he knew it was impossible, just a childish dream of his shattered by reality.

The hours ticked by and he kept staring at the sky, the stars twinkled with delight as if they wanted to say something.

Geno soon fell into sleep, dreaming the night away of stars.


Ink progressed further into the laboratory, at this point his mind was no longer controlling him.

He heard voices from behind a door, they seemed familiar but also so strange.

He cautiously opened the door, a short skeleton turned around to face him.

He wore a lab coat and wore red tinted glasses on his face, another skeleton stood near him, his golden tooth stood out to Ink,

"Sci? Fell? The hell are you doing here?"


I've been watching My Hero Academia lately and now I cant stop thinking about it- I'm forming another unstoppable obsession. :'D

I honestly feel like you all think I'm cringy and annoying- that might just be my school insecurities but I still feel like you all do-

If so sorryyyy- I dont mean to-

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