ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 3 - 𝔓𝔞𝔯𝔱 4 - His Story

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(Y/N) P.O.V

I played on the pocketwatch console for a few hours until I heard someone enter the room. I raised my head to see Ryoma. "Hey, Ryoma."

"Oh, it's you (Y/N). It's unexpected to see you alone here. I thought you'd be talking to someone else. Espiecly considering how little time we have left until we die." He said.

"I was talking to Rantaro a little earlier, I'm just trying out the console he gave me. To be honest, I haven't thought about the time limit all day. I should figure out something for tomorrow... but..."

"But what...?"

"Hmm... Nevermind. It's nothing important."

"Nothing important you say...?" He gave me a dark look, I looked suspicious to him.

"...Sorry, I made myself sound suspicious. But really, it's nothing serious."

"If you say so." We stood in silence for a moment before he spoke again "I don't think there's anything for us to talk about."

"Umm... if you don't mind, then maybe we could talk about tennis?"

"I don't mind talking about tennis... for a bit. Now then... what should I talk about, specifically...?"

"Hmm, what about your teammates?"

"My friends... from tennis club... The one guy who sticks out the most... is that 1 guy... our team captain. I do regret that I was... never able to break his zone..."

"What do you mean by 'zone'?"

"It's a skill where he can stay in a single spot and continually return the ball."

"It's possible to do such a thing?! Damn, that's impressive."

"Our captain was the only one who could pull that off. I was called an ultimate, but compared to them, I've still got a ways to go... There was also an upperclassman in the club who was considered a genius. He developed counter moves that only he could pull off... He was always smiling but you could never quite tell what he was thinking."

"Kinda' like a 'poker face'."

"Yeah. Speaking of that, there was another classman. He would make us drink these weird drinks. They were so nasty, I thought I was gonna die... He said they were made of vegetable juice, but... anyone could tell they weren't normal."

"Your club had some pretty unique players then?"

"...I suppose... it certainly wasn't boring... But... it's a place that I've got nothing to do with anymore..."


"I was talking too much... You probably got bored listening."

"No, not at all."

"Alright then... see ya..."


One he left the room I could feel my smile slowly shift into a frown. It was because of something Ryoma said before. What he said about the time limit 'Espiecly considering how little time we have left until we die'. 'There's another way, I know it. A way for almost everyone to live... that is...' I thought. I stood up and yelled "HEY, MONOKUMA!" And after a few seconds, I heard the door open.

"Upupu! So (Y/N), you've finally given into your killing intent?" Monokuma taunted me.

"Not exactly, but in a way... maybe. But anyway, I'd like to ask you something about the killing game." I admitted.

"Hm? What is it?"

"What would happen if someone were to commit suicide?"

Monokuma stared at me with a blank expression for a few seconds before he started sweating profusely, "Umm... if a student were to commit suicide... there would be... meh I'll do whatever."

"Huh? But you won't an innocent student though."

"If the students get it right then no, they won't die."

"So what are you going to do?"

"I'll keep that a secret, phuhuhu. Goodbye now!" Then he skipped out the room.

"I see." I muttered to myself. So there was another way, but would anyone let this happen? My train of thought was suddenly stopped when I heard a *ping* noise from my Monopad, it was an update to the school rules. 

16. If a suicide happens and is solved, then no student will be punished but the aftermath will be dealt with differently to the usual class trial.

I rubbed my chin while taking in the information. After that I checked the time, It was about 8 pm. I decided to get ready for bed and go to sleep early, although I felt like I shouldn't waste my limited time on extra sleep. While I was heading to my room from the showers I encountered Rantaro, his eyes met mine and his gorgeous lips formed into a cute smile.

"Hey." He waved at me.

"Hello, Rantaro."

"So, what are you doing now?"

"I was about to go to bed 'cause I've got nothing to do. But if you'd like, we could talk for a bit."

"Yeah, I'd like that."

I led him into my room, put my stuff to the side, then sat on my sofa with Rantaro. Rantaro said "Monokuma added a new rule. You saw it right?"

"Yeah, I did."

"A rule about suicides. Why has Monokuma only mentioned it now?"

"Hm... maybe a student asked Monokuma about it."

"I bet they want to sacrifice their life for everyone." 'Yes, maybe I do.'

"Possibly... Anyway, that console you gave me. It's really good, once again thank you."

"Your welcome (Y/N)."

We talked for a while, most of it was just about interests and other random shit. One of our most significant conversations was when he said: "I've been thinking, maybe I do want to tell you about *that*."

"Hm? What do you mean by that?"

"I have a little sister. But I've been an awful big brother... Hm, how many years has it been...? Back then, my little sister and I got along really well. We were together all the time. Well... well not really, uh... What I mean is, she would always follow me around, and I took care of her, y'know? Anyway, one day, we took a boat trip to another country with the whole family... it was my first time on a boat. I was bouncing off the walls I was so excited. When we docked, I wanted to go on an adventure... so I snuck off the boat. I thought I was alone, but... my sister was following me, as always. But I didn't notice. I didn't see her. I was so busy exploring, y'know? My sister... got separated from me somehow, and... she never... she never came back. My parents told me it wasn't my fault, but a big brother is supposed to protect his sister. But I couldn't do that... I couldn't... I'm a failure as a big brother... That's the reason I travel the world. I have to find my sister. Everyone tells me it's impossible, that it's too late now... But until I see her with my own eyes, I will never stop searching for her. We'll escape, I'll make sure we can, and I'll keep looking. And no matter how long it takes. I'm going to find her. She's waiting for me. I'm not going to stop until I find her, (Y/N). Never."

I wrapped my arms around him, and pulled him into a warm embrace. I stroked his hair as he slowly nuzzled into my neck. "...Rantaro... You're not... a useless older brother... no, a useless older brother wouldn't search, not like you. You've been searching, all these years, and you won't stop 'cause you love her so much. Doesn't that make you the ultimate older brother?"

"Ha, you... think so...? That would really be something... if it were true..."

"...Y'know, it could be. Doing something like that, for your sister... that's truly caring." 

Rantaro's P.O.V

We cuddled for a while until the nighttime announcement went off. Looking up at the ceiling I said to (Y/N), "I should get going now, goodnight (Y/N).", but when I turned to look at her I discovered that she was asleep on me. I gently slipped out of her grasp and pulled and walked towards her bed, I pulled the covers down then went back to (Y/N), I picked her up bridal style and placed her on her bed, I tucked her in then... by instinct... I kissed her cheek. I walked towards the doorway and looked at her again 'Jeez, what am I doing? I shouldn't be feeling this way... I can't let my feelings get in the way.' I thought. I left her room.

𝕽𝖆𝖓𝖙𝖆𝖗𝖔 𝕬𝖒𝖆𝖒𝖎 𝖝 𝕽𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat