Season 2 Episode 8

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"What in the name of Tlera?" Sinaiko looked around. "WHAT DID YOU DO NOW? First you hurt us, now you're trying to destroy the last two things I have in this world? This house and my friends! I already lost you and Fris, I CAN'T LOSE ANYMORE!!!!" Zaidia shouted. Xeniria put her hand on Zaidia's shoulder. "I set a protection shield around the house, just in case." Xeniria whispered into Zaidia's ear. "I'm going to check it out." Zaidia walked towards the door. "Please don't get hurt." Xavier grabbed her arm. "What d-" Zaidia was cut off by a portal showing up and Xavier and his crew leaving, including Mariko. "What just happened . . ." Kylis asked. "Didn't he just say he wanted to hurt us?" Sinaiko asked. "I am so confused now." Kiwi said. "I'm just glad we're not hurt." Ink said. "True." Fresh replied "I second that." Justice said. "Let's all get comfortable here before we decide what to do next. Let's just chill out. I'm going to see what the noise outside was." Zaidia said. "I'll join you." Xeniria ran after Zaidia. Victoria and Hal were in the corner of the room talking. Shana was exploring, same with KJ. Yanlin and Sinaiko were arguing about responsibilities. Fresh, Justice, Ink and Kylis were talking about video games. Blake and Baija were raiding the kitchen, Angelica joined them. Kiwi sat down to take a nap. "KIWI COME HERE!" Zaidia yelled. Kiwi flung herself up from the bean bag chair and stalked out the door. "Woah, what is this?" Kiwi asked. As soon as she had walked out the door there was purple grass, the sky was space, the outside of houses looked old yet new. "Oh yeah, welcome to Jakuna. The world looks different to Earth. If you stand on the roof and look to the right, you can see Earth." Zaidia said. "Is it okay if I harvest some materials? I haven't had the chance to come here in a long time." Xeniria grabbed her bag and twisted it to be on the front of her. "Sure, just don't steal from the other buildings, I don't feel like getting a lawsuit." Zaidia joked around. "Okay, if you two need me, just call." Xeniria ran off opening her bag constantly to fill up little glass bottles. Zaidia touched Kiwi's shoulder and portaled up to the roof. "Right there," Zaidia pointed "Is Earth." She let go of Kiwi's shoulder. "Woah, how did you discover this planet?" Kiwi asked. "Me and Xav were born here." Zaidia explained. "Oh, Since that is Earth, what's that red dot?" Kiwi pointed to said red dot. "That's an asteroid and it's coming right towards us . . ." Zaidia glanced around picked up a weird circular device from the roof. "And this must have brought it here."


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