Season 1 Episode 8

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Fresh walked over to the box and looked through the dresses. "Yo, Ink. Is this dre--" He looked around and smiled then frowned. "Aww, Ink isn't here. Wait, he left his paintbrush!" Fresh walked into the closet, slipped the dress on, and came back out. "What is so important about a paintbrush?" Victoria asked. "It looks like a magical one, I am guessing it can do almost anything special." Xeniria asked "Yeah, he can create anything with it." Fresh told them all "I wonder where he could be right now. I hope he isn't in trouble, because without his paintbrush, he isn't that powerful." KJ looked around "I need to get changed, I will be right back Xen." about 20 minutes later after everyone was done changing and cleaning up, they all met back in the center of the room. "I think we need to examine that piece of cloth." Victoria glanced at the clear, glasslike box with the cloth resting in the center. "I agree with Vic. We need to find someone that might be suspicious." Fresh said. "Um, first can we get some food. I am starving." Kylis asked. Xeniria giggled "Sure, everyone else hungry?" everyone nodded "Okay, follow me." Xeniria walked over to a flat wall. "How is this wall going to suit our hunger? Are we going to eat through to the other side?" Fresh groaned "No silly!" Xeniria pressed a button and the wall opened up, revealing a huge kitchen. "Woah, I did not expect a kitchen this nice and huge!" Victoria was amazed. A guy their age was cooking and glanced over at them. He got scared and threw a knife at them. Xeniria caught it before it hit them. "AHH! XENIRIA! Don't scare me like that!" He turned the oven off. "Sorry there Raphael, we need a small feast to feed all of us." Xeniria walked over to the counter and sat the knife inside of the knife-block. "I shall get on it, Master Xen." Victoria had a confused look on her face "Master?" Xeniria giggled "It is a childhood nickname I have, Master is a nickname. It is a long story and we need to find the people that 'napped everyone." She blushed a little bit. Raphael cooked them up a feast and they were all pretty much stuffed "That was amazing! Thank you so much for the meal dude." Fresh told Raphael. Victoria then retorted "Yeah. Thanks you so much for this. We really needed this." She ate the last thing that was on her plate. "WOO! Won another match!" Kyle screamed out as everyone looked at him. "Oh, sorry I tend to get over excited when I win a match in this game." He assured everyone They laughed it off and Raphael brought some cookies for everyone "I assume you all know what cookies are." He said to everyone who nodded and were resisting their laughs with Kyle. They ate their cookies with delight and wiped the crumbs off of themselves. "That was good, only a little dry." Victoria said with an ill-mannered voice. "I think I need a drink, anyone want something." Xeniria was walked over to the fridge. "I'll just take a bottle of water!" Kyle semi-shouted out in Xeniria's direction. "I could go for something, just nothing alcohol related. You got any kaal-oid?" Fresh asked Xen as she approached the fridge. "I think we do, let me check real quick." When she was about to open it when a loud crash was heard coming from the other room. They all bolted back into the cove to see a lot of fog and/or mist. Something or maybe someone stepped closer. Everyone gasps at what was standing in the mist.


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