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Pership Chapter 1: Hestia

I was sitting by the campfire feeling hopeless and broken. Why, you may ask. Well, let's just say it's not a nice thought. Actually, its not a nice memory and I would do better than delving into it.

I stared into the fire when a warm tender hand slipped into me, comforting me and I felt waves of hope and feeling of home enter me. I grinned as I looked at my favourite goddess, Hestia.

Out of all the goddesses, she is my most favourite one. Apart from being pretty, she gives hope when everything feels lost, like in my case. I gave her a warm smile and said, "Hey Lady Hestia."

She smiled back sending more waves of hope to me and said, "Hello Perseus."

I frowned and said back, with mock sterness (not that she will ever know... hopefully), "Its Percy, milady. Percy. P-E-R-C-Y."

She looked at me sheepishly before countering, "And its Hestia. Not Lady Hestia. Hestia."

I rubbed the back of my head sheepishly and said, "Very well then La... I mean, Hestia."

She smiled at me and said, "So Percy, why do I feel you losing your hope vanishing?"

My smile wavered before I plastered it back but apparently, she caught it as her smile vanished, replaced with a frown and concern.

She held my hand slightly tighter, which brought a blush to my face, but I didn't mind it, to be honest.

She asked, "Percy? What's wrong?"

I shook my head and said, "Nothing Hestia, absolutely nothing."

She glared at me and said, "you were always a bad liar, Percy. Now are you going to tell me what happened, or do I have to resort to the use of force?"

I was shocked partially that she would use but also because she cared enough to use force.

I gave her a weak smile and said, "I'd rather not Hestia. Forgive me."

She glared harshly and what she said next broke my heart, "Fine, I thought you trusted me, but I can see that it's not the case."

With that she turned away, glaring at the fire. What was surprising was that, I could swear I saw tear droplets in the corner of her eyes.

I sputtered, "w-wh-what? O-of c-c-cou-course I-I t-tr-tru-trust y-you."

I gave her hand, which she hadn't retracted, a squeeze and, making sure I had her undivided attention, said, "But the memory is something, I wish not to relive or share. So please, for my sake, try not to search for it."

Her glare softened but the fire in her eyes enlarged. Before I knew it, she hugged me. Of course, she had hugged me before, but the unexpected change was... well, unexpected. After a few seconds, I hugged her back.

We probably stayed that way for a long time because soon the silence turned awkward and I pulled back noticing Hestia's cheeks, tinged red and from the feeling of blood and heat (the heat could be the result of being right next to Hestia, you never know), I could tell mine weren't that different.

I looked at the sky and noticed it was pretty dark and before I could open my mouth to ask, Hestia interrupted me and said, "10:48 pm."

I nodded at her response to my unasked question, not at all freaked about how she knew about what I was thinking as, truthfully, I have seen waaaaaay weirder things.

I yawned and rubbed my eyes and turned to Hestia and said, "I should probably go to sleep now Lady Hestia. It was pretty fun talking to you. I hope we talk again soon."

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