Chapter 22

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Narrators POV

The venue was huge. Savannah could barely believe the amount of people that had turned up.

"Are you okay?" She felt fingers entwine with her own as she looked to her left, seeing Hayes stand beside her. She nodded quickly, a nervous smile creeping it's way onto her face.

"I'm okay." She said, trying to make herself believe her own words. "Let's go." She smiled, walking side by side with Hayes as she greeted many people as they walked by.

"Oh my darling, you look absolutely wonderful." The voice of her mother screeched behind her as she was wrapped into her arms. "Thank you mama." She smiled brightly. "How are you feeling? You've been taking your medication, right?" Her face fell serious but before Savannah could answer, Hayes spoke up.

"Morning, noon and night. Haven't you baby?" He rubbed her shoulder comfortingly as she nodded. "Yes mama, I promise. Hayes insisted on putting a time schedule on his phone to make sure I'm good." She chuckled at the thought but her heart warmed at how much he cared for her.

"Thank you for taking care of her." Elizabeth  smiled warmly at Hayes as he nodded in reply. "I'll see you in a little bit. I got to keep an eye on your father for stealing all of the food." She said with a light giggle. "Be careful, alright baby?" She kissed her daughter's cheek lovingly. "I will, mama."

"The happy couple" of the night spent the first hour greeting guests, catching up with old friends and enjoying the general company. The next hour was playing party games, and now it came to the soppy speeches that Hayes and Savannah decided to let their siblings and best friends do.

First speech was from Savannah's father, Robert.

"Hello everyone! It's my wife and I's happy task to welcome you all here tonight to celebrate the engagement of Hayes and my wonderful daughter Savannah." He smiled as everyone fell silent.

"For those of you who don't know us, we're Savannah's very proud mother & father. We would like to thank you all on behalf of the happy couple for coming to share this milestone event. It means so much to all of us that you're here at the occasion marking the beginning of their life long commitment.

It is also an opportunity to reunite with Hayes' family; his father Joseph, his mother Elizabeth and his brothers Colton and Chase." Robert pointed in the boys direction where we all looked to find Colton smiling with a beer in hand as Chase stuffed his face with food.

"I've had 23 years of being Savannah's father and they've flashed by. I remember her newly born; how her minute fingers curled around mine and the feeling that gave me. I vowed I'd be her super man. Nothing would ever hurt my little girl. 
Now's a good place for a reality check. Sometimes, I was super man. Inevitably there were times I was definitely not. (Savannah's teenage years were challenging!)" He commented, making everyone laugh.

"Mostly I was me, a man - an ordinary one, made special, through the privilege of being her father. And now she has grown. To our great pleasure, has given her hand to Hayes. It is now his to hold and cherish.
Hayes, just know if you ever hurt my daughter..." He raised his fist in a joking manner, making everyone laugh before he finished off.

"Please raise your glasses and join me in a toast. To Hayes and Savannah, we love you and wish you many years of happiness." He finished off, tears rising in his eyes as they did in Hayes and Savannah's.

The next speech was from Hayes' mother, Elizabeth.

"I'd like to start of by saying how happy I am that fate has reunited my son with the love of his life. I never thought I'd see another smile on his face until he brought Savannah home." She sniffled as Savannah looked up to Hayes. Tears settled on the edge of his eyes as he blinked them back. She smiled, her grip tightening around his waist.

"Your father and I are so proud of the man you have become. 24 and one of the most successful people on earth, running and managing your own company, making a living you enjoy, and I can't be anymore proud." She smiled teary eyed. She stood strong, even though she was crumbling on the inside, which Hayes could see, she stayed strong for her son.

Savannah could feel him turn uncomfortable for a split moment at the mention of his father. She gently twisted her arm around Hayes', not knowing that it was all the comforted he needed.

"I've never had greater pleasure than raising you my son, along with your brothers Colton and Chase. You boys have brought great light into my life and I can't express how relieved I am to be able to see my baby boy get his happiness back." Savannah took a hold of Hayes' hand, hoping he'd received some type of comfort, and she sighed happily as she felt his hand squeeze back.

"Savannah, I can't express how grateful I am of you coming back into my son's life. I've never seen him so happy. And I'm grateful to know that you're able to bring him that happiness I've wished so long for him to have, and I can't wait to have you back in our family. Not that you're aren't already!" She chuckled, making everyone smile.

"I'd like to invite you all to raise your glasses in honour of my handsome son and gorgeous daughter in law. I love you both so much. May life give you an eternity of love, joy and happiness." Hayes felt Savannah tense at her final words as he notice she was about to crumble at any moment.

He let everyone finish the toast before he requested for their siblings to postpone their speeches for a few moments as he whisked Savannah into the next vacant room.

He didn't say anything, knowing comfort was what she needed. His arms pulled her into his chest as he smoothed out her hair with his palm. "You're okay baby. I've got you." He reassured her everything was going to be okay as she relaxed into his embrace. "I don't have an eternity, Hayes." She sobbed, gripping onto his suit jacket.

He hushed her, rocking back and forth on the spot. "Don't think like that. What we have is for eternity. I know it may not seem like it now, but you're my forever Sav." He rubbed her cheek, as his words made her heart beat a thousand times faster. She sniffled, looking upto him.

"You mean it?" She whimpered, as her hands rested against his chest. He let out a breath before taking her left hand, pressing it to where his heart beated. "Always." He leaned his forehead against hers as their eyes closed. "I love you, Savannah Marshall." He told her as he pulled back, pressing a comforting kiss to her forehead.

"I love you too, Hayes Calloway."

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