Chapter 27

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Savannah's POV

"You have some serious explaining to do."

I froze as I saw my phone in Hayes' hand, showing all my voicemails that I had been avoiding.

I looked at him, anger evident in his facial expressions. "It's not what it looks like." I say too quickly, using the oldest excuse in the book.

His jaw clenched as I inwardly kicked myself for saying that. "Don't play with me right now Sav." He huffed, throwing my phone onto the bed before entering the walk-in wardrobe, angrily ripping off his tie and jacket. "Explain to me, why the fuck have you been missing your appointments?!" He shouted, emerging from the wardrobe in just his suit trousers and socks.

"Are you gonna give me a straight answer or do I need to call the doctor to ask what you said to her in your last conversation?" He breathed heavily. He turned walking back into the wardrobe as I stood watching him throw half of his clothes everywhere.

"Where the fuck is my grey sweats?!" His anger was becoming an issue, and I knew I wasn't getting out of giving him an explanation.

I walk into the wardrobe, quietly making my way to Hayes' section of sweatpants, easily finding his grey ones before I handed them to him. He became still, breathing heavily. He didn't even look at me as he took them and put them on.

"Let me get dressed and I'll explain everything." I whisper, lightly touching his arm. He looked down momentarily before walking away. I knew I was in deep shit. I just feared he wouldn't forgive me.

I took my time, not wanting to face him as I dressed myself in a loose tank top and shorts that stop midway down my thigh in the slowest way possible. I walked through to the bathroom that was connected to the wardrobe and found make up wipes in the drawer.

I did my nightly routine. Wipe of the makeup, cleanse my face with hot soapy water before using my face wash and cream along with a helping hand from my face brush. Quickly brushing my teeth, I then let down my hair, brushing out all of the tugs before looking in the mirror.

Anyone could see it, I looked like death. Literally.

I made my way back to Hayes as I saw him laying down on top of the duvet, his hands rested behind his head as his leg crossed over the other.

If he wasn't so mad at me, damn I'd- Get your head out of your ass Sav!

I clear my brain of any thoughts that could get me in trouble before climbing onto the bed, sitting with my legs criss crossed, taking a deep sigh.

"I started treatment just after our break up. About a month or so after. Things went smoothly up until around my third month. It spread. Not much as in it was an emergency but the doctors figured at that point that the kind of treatment I needed, they weren't medically trained to do it." I started off, looking over at Hayes as he began to stare at the ceiling.

"So they connected me with another specialist that was more qualified in this kind of diagnoses than what they were, but they were a transfer.. " I trailed off as Hayes turned his head to look at me. "From Kenya." I finish, his eyes became watery. "At the time, we couldn't afford the expense of the plane tickets and the operation as my father's company hadn't worked up after the robbery scandle until things blew off last year in May." I bit my lip.

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