I'm not okay | Child! Reader

Start from the beginning

"We're home!" Cherry says once we're in the house while Miles closes the door behind us. I blush at the awkwardness and copy them in removing my shoes by the door, proceeding to follow them across the room right after.

The two girls continue walking, but Miles stops to wait for me when the woman who was sitting on the couch until now stands up and approaches me with a smile. "You must be (y/n), hm?" I shyly nod, not knowing exactly what to do. "Don't hesitate in telling me if you need something, okay? I'm Jamia, by the way."

"Th-Thanks. Nice to m-meet you." It's all I'm able to say - I wait for a couple of seconds and sprint towards the stairs, followed by Miles. We're able to catch up with Lily and Cherry even if they were already halfway upstairs. I suddenly notice a guitar sound coming from somewhere in the house. "You have an older brother?" I ask curiously, "I might steal his guitar, it sounds amazing." The rhythm is familiar, probably from one of the bands my cousin listens to the whole time and showed me, earning her some scoldings from my aunt and mom, but we didn't care, her music is good.

Cherry gives me a kinda knowing look, cracking a giggle. She's the only one I've mentioned my music taste to, some days ago. "That's our dad." There's a smile on her face when she answers, but I don't think too much about it, focusing on figuring out the song. My eyebrows raise lightly when I recognize the song. I don't really remember its name, but I know the lyrics say something about run away like it was yesterday, one of my cousin's favorite songs.

We walk in the room that seems to be the twins' and Lily suggests we should play Mario Kart, receiving a glare from Miles, but she just chuckles evilly at him before we start to play it. Lily and Cherry made it first, leaving the dispute just for Miles and I.

"You're not gonna win!" I say mostly joking even though I do want to arrive first than him. He takes it playfully too, leaning more towards the screen as we're closer to the finish line, whining when I place my elbow over his head to try to distract him, causing the girls to laugh. It doesn't really work, but I end up arriving first anyways, earning me a playful accusing look from him.

We don't have the chance of playing once again since a knock on the open door gets our attention. He looks familiar; I think as seeing the man standing on the door. My eyes widen when I realize it, making Cherry laugh at me while Lily just raises her eyebrow lightly and Miles eyes me confused.

"Dinner's ready." He says with a smile, watching us stand up and head to the door, raising an eyebrow seeing me stop next to him.

"Good night, sir. I'm (y/n), I'm a friend of your kids and I'm not okay." I press my lips together, hearing him chuckle as I start walking away without having enough courage for watching his reaction. Soon, we're in the dining room, where I'm to nervous to even look up from my plate. The food is very good, may I tell.

"How did you meet?" Mr. Iero asks, but I just notice the question is directed to me when Cherry pokes my arm; he looks at me with a questioning look, Jamia also sends me some glances.

"Uh," I think for a moment, "I walked in the nurse's office to see Miles there with Lily and Cherry, I asked why he was crying and it was because Jem was rude to him!" I raise my eyebrows to show how indignant I am about it - he mirrors my expression, nodding.

"It was that day Jem screwed up Miles' painting and they got in a fight." Lily continues explaining. "(Y/n) is actually the one to beat Jem because of it!" She's got an amused tone in and I grin proudly at her words - Mr. Iero and Jamia look at me with certain surprise. I hope they like what I did.

After dinner, the Lily, Cherry and Miles went upstairs to brush their teeth, but I preferred to stay there and help getting the dishes to the kitchen - maybe it'll show I'm really a good kid, right? Maybe they didn't like it that I punched Jem.

Jamia smiles as furrowing her eyebrows when seeing me walking in the kitchen, struggling lightly to equilibrate the glass over the plate. "(Y/n), you don't need to do that." She gets the dishes from my hands, placing the inside the sink, starting to wash everything.

My attention is on her until Mr. Iero speaks up. "So," He's got his arms crossed as leaning back against the counter. "you were the one to knock that boy out?"

"He deserved it." I answer awkwardly, playing with my fingers.

He nods. "And you got suspension for someone you just met?" His question is odd, but I just nod with a shrug. He chuckles. "Well, I hope you're okay now."



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