Chapter 1

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      I paced back and forth across the dorm living room. My arms crossed and looking at the ground. The only sounds besides my footsteps were the occasional sigh from Seraphina. I turned to Seraphina who looked up from her phone.
      "Remi, I'm sorry, but we've found nothing on where she might be hiding. It's been months," Seraphina said with a small frown on her face. "Trust me, I want to find her too but we aren't any closer now than we were two weeks ago. The trail she was leaving before was faint and now it's just gone stale. It's just a waiting game at this point." Deep down I knew she was right. I wouldn't -no- couldn't accept that Ash had just vanished. 
      "I just... I wish there was more I could do!" I shouted and fell onto the couch. Seraphina placed a hand on my shoulder in a manner I'm sure was meant to be comforting. 
      "Hey, Ash is strong. I'm sure where ever she is Ash is fine," she tried to reassure me, just as I had seen her do many times with John. I have no idea what's going on in that man's head these days. The little emotions he does express are hard to read. He had also been staying at Arlo's apartment instead of in the dorms, which I'm sure Blyke was thankful for. I sure wouldn't want to be sharing anything with him at this time. 
      "I know you're right but that doesn't stop my worrying," I said softly and she hummed. 
      "The moment she makes another appearance John will have us on her trail. We'll find her eventually." I glance up at her, a sympathetic smile on her face. It was clear she didn't even believe what she was saying. 
      "I hope you're right," I said and she chuckled. I could have sworn I heard her say 'I do too'.
      "For the time being, why don't we go do something to get your mind off it?" she offered and I hummed.  It didn't sound like the worst idea. Certainly seemed like a better idea than sitting around hoping she wasn't hurt... or worse. 
      "Yeah, let's go," I said with a sorry attempt of a smile. I took a deep breath and rubbed my eyes. Gotta stay positive! Right? Ash wouldn't want me sitting around feeling sorry for her. Seraphina stood and I followed, leaving my dorm and heading down to the street. We walk along for a bit. 

      After a while, we reached the mall and wandered around looking through windows and talking about prices. Ash was still in the back of my mind, but slowly I was relaxing and focusing on the now. I knew deep down that stressing as much as I was, wasn't going to help us find her any faster. Didn't change how worried I was for her, but taking a deep breath and a step back would be more helpful than stressing. We had clear signs she was alive, and at the rate, she was going I doubt she was in any real danger. 

      Suddenly I collided with someone and stumbled back in surprise. A blond boy with green eyes started apologizing.
      "I am SO sorry, I really need to watch where I'm going more," he said and I laughed a little.
      "Oh don't worry about it, it's my fault too," I said and rubbed the back of my neck, getting a better look at the boy in question. He looked to be about our age, with spiky blond hair and soft green eyes. He was dressed in a white button-up under an olive hoodie, paired with blue jeans and black sneakers.
      "Hey you two look familiar, have we-" his eyes widened and he pulled out his phone. "You two are friends with John and Ash right!" he said and pulled up Instagram, showing us a picture Brian had posted of all of us on the roof. I felt my stomach drop the moment I saw the picture. Those were better days.
     "Yeah, we know them. How do you know them?" Seraphina asked, sensing something was wrong with me.
     "Oh ahm, I'm their old friend Adrian. They may have mentioned me," he said hopefully and Seraphina smiled slightly.
     "Yes, they have. Mainly Brian and Ash though, John seems bitter about the past," she explained and Adrian nodded.
      "Understandable really, I did try and warn him..." he trailed off and cleared his throat. "Not the point. I've been looking to try and reconnect with them. Especially after what happened to Brian," he said and an uncomfortable silence set over them. 
      "We could uhm, take you to where John is staying if you'd like," I offered and he perked up.
      "Would you? I've been trying to find him everywhere," Adrian said with a laugh. 
      "Well then what are we waiting for, don't worry Seraphina I'll let you spend your parent's money on me later," I said and smiled at Seraphina, who just chuckled. 
      "By all means, lead the way," Adrian said with a shaky smile.  Seraphina, Adrian, and I all left the mall and started walking down the street towards Arlo's place. Hopefully, John was still there and not running around trying to find clues, as to where Ash was. As much as I want to find her Seraphina is right. The trail went stale. I can only hope that doesn't mean she's dead. She better not be dead, cause if she is I'll find a way to bring her back just so I can kill her myself for being so stupid. We walked out into the cool spring breeze and along the side of the road. Occasionally a car or two went by, but otherwise, it was surprisingly quiet for a Sunday afternoon. Remi was dreading school tomorrow. Ever since Ash went missing she's barely been able to concentrate. John's also been more irritable causing him to lash out and attack over the smallest of things. It's been a nightmare and not even Arlo has been able to keep him under control. I glanced over at Adrian who was talking idly with Seraphina. Hopefully, this new development wouldn't be met with violence as well. 

      I took a deep breath as I stood before the door and looked over at Seraphina. 
      "Would you like to do the honors?" I jokingly offered and she grinned. 
      "Why thank you, don't mind if I do." Seraphina knocked twice. "John, Arlo! It's us. We've ah... brought a friend!" she called out and there were a few thumps on the other side. John opened the door with a groan. 
      "We've been trying to sleep in what do you wa-" he stopped short and looked at Adrian.
      "Hey John it's ehm... been a while," he said with a shaky smile. John just stared at the three of us for a while before sighing and stepping away from the door. John jerked his head, signaling to come in. Adrian smiled awkwardly as he passed John, who was just staring at him blankly. I settled down on the couch with Seraphina while Adrian stood rigidly nearby. John closed the door and turned to face us. There was a moment of tense silence as we all stared at each other. Something told me this was going to be a long day.

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