Chapter 2

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-John | One Hour Earlier-

      I sighed softly and tightened my grip on Arlo. I'm honestly not sure what I'd do if it wasn't for him. He kept me grounded in these stressful times. I looked down when he moved, staring up at me with those blue eyes I loved so much. 
      "Hey love," I whispered hoarsely and he smiled a little. "How'd you sleep?" 
      "Better than I have recently. I think it's more active at night," he mumbled, resting his head against my chest, right above my heart. I sighed and brushed my fingers through his hair. I felt so bad that Arlo was being tormented by dreams of this thing. They weren't dreams though, and that's probably the worst part of it. He's seeing these things, terrible things, and they were all real. 
      "Well, that's good. I'm glad your at least able to get a little sleep," I said and hugged him closer. "We should probably get up soon though," I said glancing at the clock. It was already 10:34. 
      "John, can you tell me about... about you and Ash. Like how you met and stuff?" he asked and I smiled fondly. 
      "Sure I can."

      "It feels like so long ago now, but I remember it like it was yesterday. Everyone had started developing their abilities. I had already been labeled a cripple. Not many people cared at that age, although a few older students had started messing with me. I remember when I found her she was crying in the woods. She said she had been called a monster because of her ability, and that it scared people. I thought that was ridiculous, being picked on for having an ability that is." I chuckled fondly. "Back then her hair was still black. She looked a lot like me, except for her eyes of course. To this day I still wonder if I'll ever get to meet her real father because no matter how much she denies it there's no way Adam was responsible for that. Besides the point though. I lead her out of the woods and we went our separate ways, and I honestly didn't expect to ever see her again after that but she continued to surprise me. The very next day I was dealing with some assholes at the playground and she came to my rescue. Granted she didn't really fight them, back then her ability wasn't exactly physical, but she scared them bad. Only she can see through her shadows, and she trapped them in this huge dome before sending them running. It was probably the most badass thing I'd ever seen," I said and couldn't help a smile. "After that, it was easy for us to become friends. She never cared that I didn't have an ability, and would always make sure to protect me against people who wanted to hurt me. Shortly after that Brian moved in with her and we met the twins. Ash had the biggest crush on Carl, I swear everyone knew but him." I could feel Arlo smiling against my neck. It was hard to get him to smile lately and I felt my heart swell.

      "I think the biggest change happened when we hit year six and met... and met Clair." I took a breath to steady myself. "We were very close then, Ash and I, and she seemed to like Clair. She liked how Clair made me happy. I remember the six of us hanging around Carl and Adrian's house, they had a really nice house too." I took a breath and ran my fingers through his hair. "When my ability first manifested in year seven Ash would help me train, she and Carl taught me everything there was to know about their abilities. I don't think I would have made it as far as I did without her." I paused for a moment. "I also remember people trying to split us apart. They always thought she was too good to be my friend. Once she started using her ability to protect me she got drastically stronger. No one seemed to like the idea of a mid, almost high tier, being friends with a cripple. Though once I got my ability and started growing stronger they shut up and backed off. That was probably the best point in time before I was King and people left us alone. We started partying a lot, especially in year nine before she left. We stayed up all night, drank, stole her mother's drugs, we were completely unhinged. Clair and Brian rarely joined in with us, but when they did they had fun. God, we were so dumb back then," I said with a laugh. "We loved it though, the freedom, the excitement, the fighting. Part of me misses those days, but at the same times I'm also glad it's over. I think we both needed a new start, even if she didn't exactly enjoy her time in America. Ash never really talks about her time there," I said with a hum. 

      I paused for a moment. What did happen in America? I wonder why she never talks about it. Maybe it's cause her 'father' died there. That probably ruined any positive experiences that happened there. I could tell there was something more to it that she wasn't telling me though. I'll find out when we get her back. 
      "Did Carl and Ash ever get together?" Arlo asked. 
      "Nah, he was way to oblivious to realize how much she liked him. He ended up dying before she could tell him. I don't think she ever stopped feeling guilty for his death," I said mournfully. "I like to think he liked her back, maybe just to make myself feel better about his lose." Arlo looked up at me again and sat up on his elbows. 
      "How did he die exactly? If you don't mind telling me," he said and I frowned. I would rather not talk about him, but maybe talking about it will help. 
      "It was short time before Ash moved to America, our last party to say goodbye. We were never exactly sure how he died, but it was a mix of alcohol poisoning and the fact that he drank bleach. Usually we didn't actually drink the bleach, just spat it out and laughed about it. He was... so drunk though, and like an idiot he swallowed it. We weren't able to get him to the hospital in time, he died in the ambulance," I finished and sighed. Arlo grimaced and intertwined our fingers. 
      "I'm sorry. I can't imagine what it's like to experience that," he said softly. I managed a weak smile and rolled over onto my side to look at him. 
      "It's okay, for better or worse it's over now. I just wish there was more I could have done to help him." He nodded in understanding and laid back on his side. All I could do was gaze into those beautiful eyes. That gorgeous blue reminded me of a clear summer sky. A very comfortable silence settled over us and I felt more at peace than I had in a long time. It had been a long time since I've felt this calm, this relaxed. I reached over and brushed a bit of hair out of his face. I could feel it in my soul that Arlo was the one for me. Gods, I would do anything for this man. 

      I groaned in annoyance at the sound of someone banging on the door. Arlo huffed and went to sit up. 
      "You get some more rest, I deal with it," I said and got myself out of bed. I grabbed a t-shirt off the ground and pulled it on. Someone knocked again and I growled. "I'm coming, I'm coming!" I called out. When I opened the door I found Sera, Remi and... Adrian?! I looked at them all for a moment before letting them in, not even registering that they were talking. I was just in shock. What the hell was he doing here? How did he find me? And most importantly, why? Why did he come looking for me? Was Clair behind this? No. He had tried to warn me about her. He wouldn't side with her now, right? I looked at the three of them and sighed. This was going to be a long day.

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