" It's not this easy Gulroz. He hasn't come to ask us for anything. And what would he ask for, money? That money isn't even his."

I understood nothing of their rivalry. Yet, Gulroz knew more about it as he nodded and scoffed.

" Its a dirty game." He said.

" It is. He killed his own father for money. Suleman and my son did partnership and invest into many fields. Buying properties around the province, only because they trusted each other. But now when Zaryaab's father isn't alive, Suleman had no other option but to name everything after Zaryaab. Because he knew his son would do nothing good. And now this isn't only about property, Gulroz. It's a war now. That man would use Zaryaab and portray him as his father's killer."

I closed my eyes at his words.

" And I must say he played well. The police is controlled by him. He left no evidence against him, but he wouldn't wait using Zaryaab's visit as one. Against us."

I thought back to the night he was at that abandoned railway station. That night he had ran away from this man, Khan Dada was speaking about.

" I am disappointed. The thin thread of trust and love of decades has been broken by this man's feet." Dadi Gul Jan muttered from besides me.

Khan Dada stood up to leave as a guard came informing that someone wished to talk to him on the phone.

" When did Zaryaab's parents, umm- die?" I asked Dadi Gul Jan unsure.

" Zaryaab was fifteen at that time, and Ronaq was twelve. It was my only son's wedding anniversary and Ronaq had insisted that her father take a small tour with his mother as her gift. So that the two could have some time together. Zaryaab didn't want them to go but-"

I sat straighter now. Seeing Gulroz pass me a small smile.

" But Ronaq was persistent. The couple went out, packing some of their stuff as well for the small tour. They were somewhere near the mountain ranges that land sliding took their lives."

I gasped at the news. My eyes widening.

" Ronaq blamed herself for their death for several years. But she was very lucky that Jahan held her hand."

A lingering silence fell upon us. Each of us getting lost in our own chains of thoughts. I helped Dadi Gul Jan to her room, pulling the blankets over her so that she could rest for a while. I didn't want to return to my room so as I walked further up the stairs. Opening the doors of the main terrace, I felt the cold wind cause goosebumps on my skin.

Walking over to the cage of the pigeons, I stared at them. They were close to Zaryaab. They must be missing him. Tracing the heavy net of their cage, I hooked my fingers through them.

" Bring him back." I said to them as they stilled, making low noises between themselves.

" He isn't very far, I know that. But you little guys can bring him back." I spoke to them.

" Find him."

A beautiful white pigeon flew from it's place near the water tray and came by where my fingers were hooked. I cooed at him.

" Hey, little guy. Won't you go out and look for your friend." With a heavy heart, I dared to unlock the cage's bolt. Opening the door to freedom for them. My heart bleed seeing not a single pigeon make an attempt to escape.

" You are free now, go. Why are you sitting here. Go!" I got no reaction from them. And this brought tears to my eyes.

Closing the cage, I bolted it securely. And leaned against it again. Occupying my previous position.

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