Games (Chapter 3)

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Allllllrightttt this is the chapter three XD it think this will be a lazy writting so im really sorry about this Chapter and i hope you will enjoy my Crap Writting(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
And That song Im obsessed with it XD idk whats the language and thats all XD

"PREAPRE FOR MY ULTIMATE!!" Alucard shouted while he rolled the dice,it landed on 6.

He moved his character into the board and landed on Tax fee

Alucard shouted as he raised his hands and banged them into the monopoly board

"Ok Pay like 100 Bucks from the Bank and its your fault Anyways haha" Granger statted as he rolled the dice and landed on 4

He moved his character in the monopoly board and it landed on Go Pass

"Why do i have always the bad luck?" Statted Alucard as he sighs laying his back down the cold floor

----------Time Skip Brought to you by Trivago----------

Harith's POV

I layed on the couch listening to  Uncle Granger and Alucard bickering.Was it always like this when those two got a fight by a game? I mean its only a game but Alucard always ended up with a fight

Now now Harith those noise are getting you annoyed calm down and just sleep thats what leonins do right? No? Alright then ill just smash some stuff in the house.

I left Uncle Granger and Uncle Alucard in the living room.Then out of no where i started to grab some plates in the cabinets and drawers then went outside the backyard that is where i started smashing the plates.By throwing them of course


smash here smash there man this is more better than sleeping



Hmmmm how bout use Uncle Grangers Gun? Way more fun???
"YES! ITS WAY MORE FUN TO USE UNCLE GRANGERS GUN TO SHOOT SOME PLATES!" i shouted and ran inside the house and went to run upstairs in Uncle Grangers room good thing he didnt notice.
I grabbed his gun and went downstairs then went back in the backyard.

Granger's POV

We and alucard started fighting because of the boardgame. Because of that game he just started to range and boil the hell out of him.

"Alucard! Its just a game what are you angry about it?!" I shouted and my face was so annoyed by his actions

" THATS SO UNFAIR THATS CHEATING!!!" Alucars shouted back and crossed his arms

"Its your fault and dont blame me for your badluck its just a game Alucard and you dont have to be angry about it!" I statted clenching my fist annoyed by his words

Then i heard some smashing
And again.
And again.

"What the fuck was that?" I left the living room leaving Alucard by himself

"H-HEY! DONT LEAVE ME HERE YOU DOUCHE BAG!" Alucard shouted and he started to follow me.I walked to the kitchen and saw the cabinets and drawers were wide open.i ran into the drawers the plates were no where to be seen i did the same in the cabinets

"What in the-" out of no where i heard the smashing sounds again i ran towards where its coming from.

"HEY! DIDNT I TOLD YOU THAT NOT TO LEAVE ME?!" Alucard shouted and holded my shoulders this made me pissed one the drawers and Cabinets are wide open two i dont even fucking know where those smashing came from and three where the hell is Har- WAIT HARITH!

Then i heard gunshots
"Oh No.." i started to get worried

"Hey! Im talking to you Granger!" Alucard statted as he shakes me so hard.

"What?! Alucard oh my god havent you heard those smashing?! Out of all the noises?! Thats our problem and HARITH IS NO WHERE TO BE SEEN!" i answered angrily
Then i remembered the backyard! Yes the backyard!

I grabbed Alucards arm and started to run towards the backyard door, there i saw Harith with my gun and a plate on his hands

" what in the world are you doing Harith?" I questioned and saw the shattered plates there were more fixed plates. Well that was not the best scene that i ever seen and all those time of my fight with Alucard i guess Harith was in boredom and made him do this
I let go of Alucards arm then went to Harith

"Kid why are you smashing plates? Is it because of us or is it your boredom?" I asked and placed my hands on his shoulders he looked aways and dropped my gun

"Its both of them." Harith answered and crossed his arms
"Look i just want to smash plates thats atleast all i can do i cant just sleep again and again that just made me in real Boredom" he statted as he throw the plate into the fence

My eyes went wide, oh shit our neighbor will be angry about that

"Hahaha how bout we not smash plates Harith? Me and Alucard are gonna make up just dont do this again were just gonna waste money to buy some Plates if you smash them all" i said and let go in his shoulders went to the ground and grabbed the plates and my gun.

"Hey Alucard! Grab the plates and put them back in the drawer" i shouted and looked at Harith

"Harith lets go inside were just gonna play Uno" i said and the plates were on my left hand and my gun in the top of the plates, i grabbed Harith's hand and walked inside the House well for Alucard he followed

--inside the house--

While were walking inside Harith's ears Twitched which i noticed it

"Hey Uncle Granger how bout we just watch tv? I dont wanna play any Games anymore" Harith statted as he rubbed his eyes.

"Sure thing Kid" i patted his head

"Well thats cute" Alucard statted
And went to the kitchen where he will put all of the plates.

---------- Time Skip ----------

No one's POV

After all those conclusions and distractions and those smashings to. Harith,Alucard and Granger
Went back inside the house.

There was peace and quiet a
And you know what their doing?
Of course watching tv
Granger is sitting in the end of the couch,Harith is laying down in the couch his  head on Grangers Lap Alucard is Sitting on the floormat with a pillow on his head leaning in the bottom couch.

"This is more relaxing than it is.."

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And this is the end for chapter 3 my crappy writtings im really sorry tho ;-; im really tired of writting but ill still keep in energy! I wont lose energy in writting but still i hope you enjoyed!


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