Russia Times Two (22)

Start from the beginning

"Chto, nam ne nuzhna korzina s fruktami? Gde tvoye gostepriimstvo, Raven? YA znayu, chto obuchil tebya luchshe, chem eto."(What, no welcome fruit basket for us? Where's your hospitality Raven? I know I have trained you better than that.)

With that, I whip my head over to find my brooding gym teacher. His eyes which were previously glued to me whipped above my head to Zander who has one hand slung over my shoulder. It takes everything I have not to laugh as the Russian man's aloof behavior turns into one of pure shock and horror. The poor guys mouth is practically on the ground!

The odd behavior of both Russians in the room has more than a few heads whipping back and forth between the two behemoths. The awkward silence lasts only a couple seconds when a throat clears. Turning my head to the very front of the room, I finally spot the man who decided my court time.

Axel Toma.

"Thank you for being here Miss Sang Sorenson on such short notice." His supposed 'calm demenor' would have fooled me if it wasn't for the nervous glances above my head to Zander.

I again, give a silent 'thank you' to the fates for giving me Zander. 

"For gods sake little girl, sit down and show your teachers some respect which you clearly need to learn." 

That voice makes my already dwindling confidence crumble into nothing as I finally drag my eyes to spot My Physiology teacher, Phil Schmitt. We make eye contact and his lips curve into a sickining smile. Before anyone can say a word, Zander in in front of me in an instant glaring at the sneeze bag. " Luchsche voz'mi svoyu suku na vorona, prezhde chem ya yeye uberu. Postoyanno."(Best get your bitch on a leash Raven before I remove it. Permanently)     

With this, Raven snorts and leans back in his chair with his arms crossed seeming to gain his Russian confidence back. "Bud' moim gostem, on ne moya suka."(Be my guest, he's no bitch of mine)

Always the perfectionist Owen interrupts the standoff. "Okay, enough. Mr. Schmitt, you are more than welcome to leave if you don't wish to attend this meeting." He gives Mr. Schmitt a harsh glare clearly telling him to shit the hell up. He then turns his full attention on me, "Now Mrs. Sorenson and Mr-"


"Zander," he continues "-why don't you take a seat so we may start this meeting. We have many concerns we would like to discuss about Miss. Sorenson, especially with her home life and health." 

I allow Zander to walk me over to a chair across from Axel Toma. He then moves the chair to my right closer to me giving an impression of a united front. With an arms slung along the back of my chair once more, Zander leans back in his own showing his own cocky confidence. "Alright then boys-" Mr. Blackbourne and Mr. Toma both narrow their eyes at the insult, "-let's get this shit show on the road now before I fuck all ya'll over for disrespecting my family."

With that statement, Raven seems to examine me more closely. 

My heart stops. Family...? He thinks we're family? 

I look up into Zanders eyes as he looks down on me. Seeming to be surprised himself, he gives me an apologetic smile. I only shake my head and and squeeze my lips together trying my best not to cry at his words. Of course he understands my embarrising predicament and moves his hands to support the back of his head, blocking my face from all the eyes in the room.  

Taking control back, Mr. Toma clears his throat once more. "Well, Mr. Sorenson, it appears-"

"No" Zander interrupts. 

Mr. Tomas eye twitches.

"Excuse me?" 

Confused myself, I tap Zanders tree trunk letting him know he can bring his arms back down. As he does, I find incridulious eyes trained on Zander who seems to bathe in the attention. The only one not surprised dumbfounded my Danders clear and utter disrespect is Raven who watches the scene with mirth as if he knows what's about to go down, but will enjoy watching it anyways. 

"My name is Zander." Z-man scrutinizes Mr. Toma with a look that dares him to disagree or challenge him. 

I gape as Mr. Tomas head slowly cranks to Owen as if he can't take anymore. With Mr. Tomas silent plea, Owen turns to Zander. "Mr. Zander," he starts "if you are not related to Mrs. Sorenson, I would like to ask that you take your leave. I'm sure Mr. Toma was clear when he requested the presence of the real Mr. and Mrs. Sorenson." 

Zander suddenly becomes deathly still. 

Even Dr. Greens eyes widen a fraction as he processes Owens words. 

Well, it looks like Owen actually make a mistake for once in his life. 

Unfortunately, or in my case fortunately,  Zander doesn't seem to be in a very forgiving mood today. 

I wonder if it's too late to request a locker change...?



Just kidding

Zander only likes to shoot stuff and blow things up.

They probably should have pat Zander down before he went into the meeting. 

*shakes head in disappointment knowing full well I'm the writer" 

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