Raven (8)

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A pic of Sang's awesome book bag! ^^^



Locker 255 looks like Britney Spears threw up in it. All I see is pink, sparkles, and a whole lot of mirrors. The school doesn't have very many female students so I'm guessing they wanted me to feel...welcomed...?

In all honesty, I actually want to laugh and cry at the same time. If there is anything I hate more than bright colors, it's the color pink. My 'sister' loved the color pink and so did I at one point. The only thing it does now brings up bad memories. Add it some sparkles and you have some homemade 'Sang' repellant.

My goal is to be invisible. I have done a very poor job at it so far. The locker thing just added attention that I really don't want or need.

Looking deeper into the six-foot pink disaster, I find the only normal looking object which thankfully happens to be my new book bag. Each student gets to customize their own book bag since it would be a travesty if they all had the same one. Colors and designs ranged from giant pink purses to a sporty basketball bag. I decided mine would be efficient and practical. Something that I would be comfortable walking for an hour with to and from school. The color grey is supposed to help me blend in and the simple design is pleasing to the eye.

I pull out my new treasure and dig inside memorizing all of my supplies. Expensive looking mechanical pencils, erasers, notebooks, even an iPhone charger which I won't be using anytime soon, are neatly shoved into my backpack. Thankfully, the school has the students take notes in place of heavy books that are usually issued. As my scholarship indicates Moons Academy also has given me a brand new laptop. Pulling out my new precious, it takes all of my practiced self-control not to jump up and down with giddiness. It's my very first laptop and piece of new technology ever! Other than my cell phone of course.

Looking around, I see the rest of the students slamming their lockers and leisurely making their way towards the respective classes with their herd of friends.

I take one last look at my disastrous locker and make plans to change...well...everything. With a final look of disdain, I pack up my laptop with its charger and close my locker.

Hopefully, second hour will go a tad bit smoother.

Before making my way to my psychology class, I look around me and note all the boys trotting through the large hallway. Some look scary, others look sporty, but a few look like mini Einstein's. They all have smiles on their faces which warms my heart. I love seeing others smile or having fun, it makes me feel warm inside like not everything is black and gloomy. I also love making others smile but it's very difficult when I don't talk.

When I was younger, I used to wave to the old mailman whenever he came by my old house. He used to always have a stone cold expression on his face but after many weeks of persistent waving and smiling, he got into the habit of looking up to my attic window looking for me. I would wave and give him a dopey smile, and he eventually started to wave back with a smile of his own. Years passed and I would always wait for the mailman to come by my window to smile and wave.

I smile sadly at myself.

I wonder if he still looks up at my window and waves.

I bring my attention back to the male students, hustling about, but they don't seem to notice me. Thank god.

Okay, Sang, you've got this, just...no eye contact. Be a ghost. Be the best ninja you can be.

I lower my head and pull on the hem of my skirt in attempts to cover more thigh. I hike my book bag onto my back and latch both my hands to the shoulder straps. I already memorized the whole map of the school and all my classes, I can just stare at the ground the whole way and be fine. It's a great advantage to know the size of your battlefield.

The psychology classroom is located on the second floor which is an immense disadvantage as well as an advantage. Escaping through the window is very doable since I've had a substantial amount of practice at my old house. The windows in this school, however, are bulletproof as well as locked. Though they require a key, picking the lock isn't the dilemma, it's the time it takes to do so. I memorized the map, but I'm not familiar with the lock type and it might take me about thirty seconds to successfully pick it which is not efficient in the slightest.

I'm brought to an immediate halt on my calculations when I stumble into a wall.

I jerk back and flutter my eyes. The wall apparently has hands and steadies me. An accented voice flows out of the wall, "Easy, easy."

I look up to find a huge man with a white muscle shirt showing off his tattooed arms with a whistle hanging around his tattooed neck. My body instantly reacts when it detects a not apologetic killer vide. I'm no longer surprised when I study his face and fail to notice any faults.

This man could be one intimidating bouncer if he didn't have this I'm part of the mafia arora surrounding him like a second skin. His perfect bronze skin I may add.

I didn't fail to notice his Russian accent. I speak some Russian and I understand the basics. I've only ever practiced with myself and sometimes with Lilah. For all I know, I could be speaking gibberish.

"Are you well?" The Russian asks. It's palpable to note that he still struggles with English which is actually quite funny. This big bear man struggles to form sentences but looks like he has no trouble reforming your face if he wants to.

I analyze him as a whole in my mind. That six-inch organ in between my ears has never really failed me before and my judgments are thoroughly accurate.

My theory; he's my gym teacher. That or he's an assassin sent here by the Russian mafia to take down some really important guy who stole their briefcase. I, of course, don't say anything and give him an apologetic look.

Not giving him the opportunity to reply, I shrug off his enormous hands that practically wrapped around my hips and sped off.

I swear he's somehow related to a bear. No doubts in my mind he has bear blood. He's a Russian bear! I'm sure if at that moment I sprouted a tail, it would be so far in between my legs, I could bite it.

When I eventually make it to the classroom, the bell rings.

Oh no, I groan, not again.

What happened to being all ninja-y Sang?! Ohhhh right, ran into tattooed, Russian, bear, gym teacher guy. This day just keeps getting better.

Maybe I should skip...

I abandon the thought. I will not encourage a bad reputation. I need to be a little mouse and not a delinquent.

I take a deep breath and ever so slowly open the door to my inevitable doom.


*Sigh* Raven is SOOOO my type.


Look forward to the next chapter!

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