The Battle of Winterfell, Part 2 AKA The Prince who Brings the Dawn

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Sansa glances at the blade that Arya had used to kill the White Walker. She could of sworn that Daenerys had that blade before the battle began.

"Arya, how did you get that blade? Didn't Daenerys have it before?" Sansa confusingly asks Arya, who merely has a smirk upon her face.

"Well..." Arya starts to tell Sansa.

Before the Battle of Winterfell Began...

Arya is standing on the battlements of Winterfell, gazing out upon the landscape, hoping not for the last time. It's the approaching footsteps that snap her out of it. She turns around to see a pleasant surprise.

"Daenerys. I thought you would be with Jon, getting ready?" Arya asked while curious about why Daenerys was there.

"Arya, I want to give you something to help protect both yourself and others during the battle." Daenerys reached on her belt, unstraps the Valyrian Steel dagger and hands it to Arya.

Arya merely looks down at the dagger in her hands. No words are needed as she looks back, locks eyes with Daenerys and nods. Daenerys smiles and nods in return before turning around to join Jon.

Back in the Present Battle...

As Jon finishes the third loop around Winterfell, his eyes find the Night King. Merely searching out the largest swirl of snow and ice used to cloud him from attack. Jon guides Rhaegal down, without having Rhaegal show his vulnerable sides to prevent a repeat of Viserion's death. His eyes met the Night King's and did not leave, even while he dismounts from Rhaegal. Go help and protect your mother. This is my fight. Rhaegal gave a low growl showing that he agreed but was reluctant to leave his rider's side. Jon gave a pat upon Rhaegal's nose. Only then did Rhaegal take off. Yet, as Jon drew Longclaw, a burst of flame nearly startled the Night King. Rhaegal did not want Jon to be attacked from behind.

Jon grips Longclaw in both hands as he hears Rhaegal's flapping wings fade away. The Night King smirks before forming an ice spear in his hands.

"I know you can understand me. Make this a fair fight. If you even think of summoning even one wight to help you, then you are nothing but a coward who has to summon a skeleton to win a fight for you," Jon both asks yet taunts the Night King. Jon knew his words took the desired effect when the smirk left the demon's face. Snow and ice roaring around them in the wind, the Night King's ice spear visibly changed, shortening till it forms an ice longsword. Barely a split second passes before the monster charges. Jon takes a deep breath before his sword met the swinging ice.


Jon met the Night King's swings while the Night King easily met each of Jon's. Ice clashing against steel, the dragonwolf twirling Longclaw in his wrists as he parries the furious slashes. While struggling to keep up to the sheer speed at the demon's assaults, Jon notices that the Night King was getting cocky. Overconfident, moves not at all at the skill he knew the Night King was capable of - relying too much on speed and inhuman strength. Jon decides to try a feint. He starts swinging his sword towards the Night King's waist and watches as the ice sword moves to block. Jon quickly shifts his sword to his other hand in a quickness that would surprise even the Night King before swiping towards the Night King's head. The Night King, surprised by this move, leans back to avoid the move. Longclaw makes a deep cut into the Night King's cheek, forcing the demon back.

The Night King reaches up to his cheek, feeling the deep gash. A look of anger comes over his face. The Night King throws his sword at Jon, who intercepted the throw with Longclaw, causing the ice blade to shatter. As Jon prepared to move in, the Night King raised his hands and encased Jon in a block of solid ice. The Night King smirked as he tapped on the ice, almost as if taunting Jon. The Night King then began calmly walking towards the walls of Winterfell.

Temporal Reversion - Dragon StyleKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat