The Dragon Queen Lives Again!

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"Dany?" Jon utters in a near whisper, hardly believing that he is hearing her voice for the first time in five years, in real life and not just something within his head. He takes a slow breath to calm his mind and heart, which began racing the moment he heard her speak. Resolved, he opens his eyes and turns around, to see a literal goddess before him.

Jon takes in Daenerys Targaryen in her white fur outfit, looking heavenly. He stops breathing as he takes her in, approaching him from Drogon. As he finally takes in a breath, he realizes that he had indeed returned to the waterfall that they flew to on Drogon & Rhaegal to the waterfall. He can hear its roaring waters behind him. Jon runs his hand on Rhaegal's snout as he walks towards Dany. Trying to prevent himself from running to embrace her as it may seem weird from her point of view.

As she gets within arms range, he can no longer control himself. He reaches out, grabs her arm, and pulls her into a deep and soulful kiss. He can hear Dany let out a surprised gasp yet immediately begins to kiss him back, matching him in passion and fierceness. He begins to smile, for the first time in five years. As they break off the kiss, he could only say one thing to her.

"I love you, Dany, my Queen." Jon tries to hold back the tears forming in his eyes as he holds her face in his hands once more. He can see the surprised look in her face before seeing passion and love overcome it. A blissful smile forms on her lips.

"I love you, Jon, my King," Drogon growls a little behind her, catching Jon's attention. He sees Rhaegal also watching them, but in a more intrigued way. Drogon is acting a little like Ghost does when someone is either threatening or trying to seduce him. He realizes that Drogon may not remember as he could, but could sense that something had just changed within him and is suspicious of the change. Drogon was not sure if this would be something that would threaten his mother or not. Jon could see Drogon's eye narrow slightly.

"It's okay," Dany says softly, placing her hand on his cheek to recapture his eyes with hers. He could tell that she says this, possibly to calm him at Drogon's growls. He decides that now is the perfect time to lay down everything since he does not have to worry about someone interrupting or overhearing them. As he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, taking in Dany's presence and her unique scent, he could feel the worry coming off Dany since he has not said anything else.

I must tell her now before I talk myself out of it and never tell her. I must not repeat the same mistakes. Otherwise, this will all be for nothing. Jon opens his eyes as he slowly releases the breath he had been holding for several moments. He stills sees the love in Dany's eyes yet the lines of worry stress how much he needs to tell her now as he does not want any of these negative emotions on his Queen's face if he could help it. That is what pushes him to finally open his mouth.

"Dany, I have something to tell you. It is going to be difficult to explain, and parts of it may seem impossible. I promise you that I am telling you the whole truth, my love." Jon stresses each sentence as he takes her hands into his, squeezing them hard at the end of his sentence.

"Alright, Jon. I will do my best to believe you. Go ahead, tell me." Dany has a look of pure acceptance and openness that Jon had not seen since they first made love on the boat to Winterfell. Taking one more breath, he begins to tell her what had happened.

"I am from the future, five years to be exact," Jon tells her, trying to convey his urge that this is the truth through his tone and the squeezing of her hands. He watches as a confused look comes across Dany's face as she processes this. She opens her mouth and then closes it with no words coming out. Jon realized he needed to say a bit more. Otherwise, he may be coming off as crazy.

"I know how crazy and mad that sounds. Let me explain." Jon passionately stresses to Dany, who merely nods as she can not trust her voice now.

"I have lived through all of this before. I fought in the Battle of Winterfell against the dead. I watched as the Night King fell. I have seen us move South to confront Cersei. I survived the Siege of King's Landing. I watched as life left your eyes, with your body in my arms." Jon stops, consumed with emotion. He could feel Dany stiffen at that last one.

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