God of Dragons

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Warning: There are spoilers for Seasons 7 & 8 for Game of Thrones, including the Series Finale. You have been warned.


As Jon continued riding his horse through the woods North of the Wall, his thoughts kept turning to Dany. Ever since he had driven that dagger into her, his mind has refused to let her go. He truly meant when he told her that she was his queen now and always. He would love no one else for the rest of his life as he loved her. His soulmate. His Dragon Queen.


As the sun begins its daily trek across the sky, its light and warmth begin to be felt across on the lands beyond the wall. In the rebuilt Hardhome, Jon rolls over begrudgingly as both the sunrise and Ghost's whining about being let out, wake him up.

"I hear you, Ghost," Jon mumbles as he rolls out of bed, to his feet. He walks over to the bedroom door and let's Ghost out to do his thing. Jon walks over to the washbasin and rinses his face.

As he gazes into the mirror, he sees the regret, heartache, and the years of fighting have hung heavy on him. However, as he looks down to see a rolled-up scroll that he received last night, a smile comes to his face. King Bran has decided to pardon his crimes and commute his sentence due to overwhelming pressure from the North (AKA Sansa) as well as his service to the kingdoms of both the North & South. There is a brief mention of Grey Worm giving his blessing on the pardon if Jon never goes to Naath for any reason. Jon understood the hidden threat and respected it.

"Today is the day, I return to the North," Jon says out loud for the first time. He dresses quickly as he had already packed most of his belongings the night before. As he straps Longclaw to his waist, his mind jumps back to that fateful day in King's Landing with Dany once more. His face slips into a look of sadness and regret, but he no longer dreads thinking about that day. He continues to wish that he could go back and change that day or try to prevent the whole thing together. He shakes his head, noticing that it would not do well to dwell on "What ifs."

Jon walks outside, strapping his packs to his horse in the nearby stable. He glances towards the water's edge to see Ghost drinking water and cleaning his fur after a kill.

"CROW!" A smile comes to Jon's face as he hears Tormund call to him.

"Tormund, morning," Jon replies in his typical fashion.

"Yeah, it's a great freaking cold ass morning, you mean?" Jon merely shakes his head with a small smile. "Anyway, are you ready to head South? Last time you went, uh, ..." Tormund stops speaking and looks almost apologetic for nearly mentioning Dany. Jon glances up at Tormund with the small smile from earlier still on his face.

"It's okay, Tormund. You can say her name. Daenerys. Even after five years, she is still within me." Jon, unknowingly, rubs on the heart and scar tissue there. Tormund glances at his hand before the previous look is replaced by his usually joyful look.

"Sorry, Crow. I miss the dragon too, at times. I admit she was a lovely lass." They both smile as they know precisely what Tormund means by this. That's usually how far he usually takes it, no longer does he make any sexual jokes about her as it used to just bring out the dragon in Jon. He is still fiercely protective of his queen.

Temporal Reversion - Dragon StyleDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora