The Battle of Winterfell, Part 1 AKA The Dragons Meet the Dead

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AN: A HUGE HUGE shoutout to Longclaw for his assistance with this chapter. He truly helped me put the finishing touches on this Chapter.

The wind rushes past Jon's ears as Rhaegal takes to the skies with Dany and Drogon at his side. As the final preparations are being made below them, he can see a distant fog approaching. Jon knows from experience that this fog is merely the Night King's attempt in hiding his numbers, eliminating all chance for the living to spot his movements. A sharp shriek echoes across the land, temporarily halting all activity around Winterfell. It takes a pair of light hoots from both Rhaegal and Drogon - banking over the great castle - to shake people back into action. Jon's eyes have yet to leave the fog in front of them. He then notices that the fog seems to stop just barely within the first ring of their defenses.

What is he planning? I know he will not wait long before attacking. Jon notes to himself before turning to look at Dany. She is also gazing deeply into the fog; a firm look on her face. Jon notices several flames coming into being below them. At first, he is confused until an image of Melisandre flashes through his mind. A look of fear passes over his face as he locks eyes with Dany, who sports a similar look. She nods at him, no words needed to communicate - their bond that strong.

Is this the dragon bond? If it was, he'll find out soon.

It takes Jon a mere second before guiding Rhaegal to land in front of the flames. He knows from his memories that it will be mere moments until the battle begins. As the dragon thuds on the snow-capped ground, the Dothraki are holding their arakhs high while Melisandre lights them. Instead of stopping her, Jon instead immediately dismounts Rhaegal and rushes towards Jorah. Jorah looks away from Melisandre to see Jon rushing towards him. Jorah lowers his head as Jon approaches. "My King."

"Ser Jorah! You will hold the horse in place."

"I'm sorry..." the old knight is confused at the King's vehemence.

"I mean it, Jorah. Going toe to toe in a frontal charge is suicide." He points directly at the fog, letting each of the screamers and bloodriders take a good look at it. "No matter what, do NOT command the Dothraki to charge. I ask that you remain to the plan. I do not want the Dothraki dying unnecessary deaths." Jon hopes, no prays that he follows his advice even though he did not command the loyalty as Dany did over them.

A look moves from the King to Melisandre. She gazes at Jon, seeming to sense something amiss... as if she could see right through him. A smile spreads on her face. "You heard your King, Ser Jorah."

Jorah nods firmly before speaking. "Aye, I will do so. As long as you make sure our Queen remains safe up there." Jorah mentions while motioning with his eyes to where Drogon was still hovering above them. Jon firmly nods before turning around to re-mount Rhaegal. "Easy boy," he says, caressing the dragon's scales. Letting his contentment at stopping another travesty seep into the nervous dragon. He purrs underneath him, plan working. "Fly."

With a light roar, Rhaegal returns to the skies to retake his place next to his mother and brother. Jon looks to his right; Dany was already watching him as Rhaegal levels into a calm glide next to Drogon. Jon forms a smile on his face and nods in reassurance, alleviating the fearful look on her face. Jon looks down at the main walls of Winterfell to see the flaming signal of Arya gesturing to him from the top of the gatehouse. With three bobs of Rhaegal's head at Jon's command, she waves the flaming shafts parallel before forming a simple X. It was merely a confirmation of his orders.

As Jon turns to look forward once more, Arya motioned for Podrick to bring the horn hanging from his shoulder to his lips, setting off a short blow. This signaled all the archers on the walls to light their fire pits, which were to be used to light their arrows, as well as string arrows on their bows.

Temporal Reversion - Dragon StyleWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu