like father, like daughter

Start from the beginning


You had finished preparing dinner, barbecue glazed chicken breast with brown rice and a side of green beans, and called out to Loki and Amara, letting them know that dinner was ready. Within seconds, Loki came into the dining room with Axel in his arms and placed the young boy down onto his chair, putting a bib on him; this kid was such a messy eater, if you gave him the chance he would be wearing his meal instead of eating it. "Amara, dinner is ready!" you bellowed again, after seeing she still wasn't anywhere in sight. "She's probably still upset with me for telling her to do some studying. I'll go get her," Loki said, kissing your cheek before heading down to her room. He knocked on the door, waiting for an answer. "Amara honey, come on and eat. Your mother worked hard to make dinner so you can at least show her some respect," Loki spoke to the closed door and sighed in annoyance when there was still no answer. 'Oh forget this,' he thought and without hesitation, swung the door open, his eyes widening and heart sinking down to his stomach when he saw the open window and no Amara. 

'That girl is in so much trouble when I find her,' Loki growled inwardly, his jaw clenching up in distraught. He spun around and headed back to the dining room, a stone-like expression on his face as he entered the room. "Amara's gone. I'm going to go find her and when I do, prepare for a very moody teenager when we return," Loki informed you, soon disappearing out of the house; teleporting himself down to the mall where he figured she'd be. He walked through the crowds of people, keeping an eye out for his daughter and became more cross than he already was when he didn't see any sign of her; or her friends for that matter. That's when he had figured it out-his daughter had lied to him. He wanted to feel some sort of pride for her being so clever and cunning, but at the same time he had also felt intense feelings of anger, guilt, betrayal and was also very hurt that she would do such a thing; feeling like he had failed her or let her down in some way for her to lie to him like that. The god pushed back the tears that wanted to come to the surface and made his way out of the mall, going down the street until he came across an empty alleyway and went down it to take a deep, calming breath before continuing his search for his daughter. 

'Alright Amara, where are you,' he inwardly questioned, using his seidr to perform a tracking spell and soon got a location of her whereabouts; the spell showing that she was at a park a few blocks from home. Loki teleported himself to the park and his eyes widened the moment he saw her making out with a boy, his fatherly instincts already going into overdrive. 

"Amara Frigga, what in the nine realms do you think you're doing," Loki shouted, storming over to the pair, pulling her away from the guy. She gasped out of surprise and then yanked herself away from her father's grasp on her, fixing up her clothes. Before anything further could be said, Jax started to sneak away but was then caught by Loki who used one of his illusions to stop him from leaving. "Not so fast. Don't let me catch you with my daughter like that again or there'll be a price to pay," Loki warned, causing the young man to gulp softly and nodded in understanding before making a run for it. Loki smirked proudly to himself and then turned his attention to Amara again, giving her a serious look as he crossed his arms over his chest. She scoffed and rolled her eyes at him, which didn't go over too well; as you could imagine. "No. I won't be taking that attitude from you. We're going home right now and you'll be doing the chores tonight. Don't even think about trying to get out of it either," Loki stressed, grabbing her upper arm, about to teleport back to the house with her when he could hear her hissing softly in pain. Knowing he wasn't holding her that hard, he became suspicious and thought that the guy he saw her with hurt her somehow. "Amara. Why are you hissing? Show me your arm." Amara sighed and without delay, pulled down the shoulder of her shirt to reveal a newly done tattoo; which had the special tape over it to prevent it from rubbing onto her clothes. "Before you say anything Jax and I got one together. I managed to trick the shop keeper into doing it and I'm not apologizing for it. Also, speaking of Jax, thank you so much for scaring my boyfriend away." Loki's face appeared shocked by the news, his skin going paler than it normally was and after taking a moment to let it sink in, his expression became more agitated and annoyed as he pursed his lips together and waved a finger in the air. "Okay young lady that is it! You're doing those chores I asked you to do and then you're grounded for two weeks! More if you argue with me," he said with a raised tone, unsure of what to do with her anymore; though he wouldn't let her know it, he was sort of proud of her for tricking someone. 

Immediately after that, he teleported them home and watched to make sure that she got to work on cleaning up the dishes from dinner, explaining everything to you as she washed them. "She did what?" you questioned, trying to be sure you heard your husband correctly. Loki nodded and already assured you that he had it under control, not wanting you to worry about more than you had to.

Hours later and Amara had finished her chores, then went to her room and laid down on her bed, staring up at the ceiling in silence. She thought her father would be more understanding than this; given his past when he was growing up with her uncle and wished so desperately that things could be like they once were. She was just having a bit of fun after all, why couldn't he see that? He was the God of Mischief after all, fun was part of that title description. Her thoughts were soon interrupted when she heard a knock on the door, followed by the sound of her father's voice when she didn't respond.

"Amara, may I come in? I just want to talk with you." His tone was gentle and patient; not hostile like it had been before. Perhaps he felt guilty about earlier? Amara didn't care though and wasn't in the mood to see him or anyone in her family right now. She just wanted to be in Jax's arms, feeling safe and loved, knowing that it would all be okay again.

"Go away. I don't want to talk to anyone," she said, a bit of venom in her tone. 

Loki sighed and thinking that she was just being stubborn, decided to try again. "Sweetheart please, I just want to know why you did what you did. Hear your side of things," he offered, hoping that would grant him access to her room. 

"No! Now leave me alone," she shouted, her voice breaking towards the end and she turned over in her bed, pulling the covers over her head; beginning to sob silently, both her and Loki feeling brokenhearted over the whole ordeal. 

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