Chapter 16: Did we..?

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You woke up in an unfamiliar room. The coloration was like Hux's quarters, but this wasn't Hux's room. You looked around and realized you didn't have pants on. Just underwear and a large shirt. The shirt was black it almost blended into the sheets, also black.

You felt sick when you realized where you were. You knew the smell of the room as it filled your nose, Kylo. You panicked and almost fell of the bed. You grabbed onto the nightstand and the drawer fell out. It made a big crash as it fell to the ground. "Shit." You whispered.

Kylo stepped out of the bathroom, he was shirtless. You admired his muscles, but quickly snapped out of it. "Y/N. You ok?" You looked down at what you were both wearing. "Did we?" You pointed at you and Kylo. He laughed and looked at you. "No. You were halfway awake telling me how it was hot as hell fire. You started to take off your robes, I had to give you something to wear."

You blushed. "Thank you." He nodded and smirked. "I saw you fighting yesterday. You were amazing. I've never seen someone fight like that. Not to mention it was your brother."

"He was a traitor and had to be eliminated. Can you believe he asked me to join him." You scoffed, "Anyone would want someone as powerful as you on their team Y/N. Like Snoke said... one day you might even overthrow me." You laughed, "I care to much about you to take your job. Samuel threatened you and Hux... yes he was my brother, but he also brought disgrace to my families name. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go check on Hux." Kylo nodded. "Your clothes are over there. I would put on your pants and get rid of that shirt ASAP." You clicked your tongue and did little finger guns at him.

"Thank you again Kylo." You said as you quickly put on your pants grabbing your stuff and walking out the door.

The door to Hux's room slid open and he sat on the bed with his head in his hands. "Armi?" You ran over to him. You put your hand on his bare back rubbing it. He looked at you and his eyes were as red as his hair. "Please tell me this is really you. Please tell me this is real." You pushed him back a little so he sat up.

You swung your leg over his and sat on his lap. "This is real Armitage." He pulled you in and hugged you. He cried on your shoulder, "I saw you die. How are you alive?" You ran your fingers through this hair. "I just passed out, love, I mean I did just kill my brother." You grabbed his chin and made him look at you. "Kylo found me on the battle ground. He took me to his quarters. I spent the night there... he slept on the couch. I honestly don't know why you are crying. When I was running to you I heard that we defeated the Resistance!"

He nodded "Yes we did, thanks to you. I couldn't celebrate not knowing you were ok." You hugged him once more and got up. "I'm going to go hop in the shower. I'll be right back." He winked at you and you knew what he was about to say, "No you cannot join me. I need to be alone for a while." His smile faded and smacked his lips. "Whatever."

You shut the door and made sure you locked it. You got into the shower the size of your old room. The water was so hot and felt amazing. Hux seemed to have more products for skincare, hair, and body then any person in the galaxy. No wonder he's so perfect.

You got out of the shower and walked back to the main room. Hux sat on the bed typing away on his holopad. "Finally you're out!" He pushed past you and entered his closet. You walked over to your wardrobe to find more robes. You took out the red ones on top. You slipped it on trying to remember what order Kylo handed them to you.

"You look good in red."

"Why are you so fast as getting dressed, you have so many layers!" He laughed, "After three years of wearing the exact same thing... you get faster and faster. Oh by the way your top layer is inside out." You screamed "DAMMIT!" He laughed hysterically. "You'll get better at it I promise." You fixed it and walked out the door.

Hux followed you as always. "You look so professional when you walk. Your hands behind your back and all." He smirked and put his hands by his side. "No put them back professional is sexy." He winked at you and put his hands back straightening his back.

A trooper approached you both. "Excuse me, General Hux and Y/N. I am sorry to bother you both but you are invited to the festivities tonight. Commander Ren is throwing a ball to celebrate the win against the Resistance. Also Y/N Commander Ren told me to tell you that he invited your parents. He said he did it in the name of Samuel."

"Thank you FN-49242." You knew you recognized that voice! It was the pilot that had brought you here. "How do you remember all of their numbers? They are all so unique." He shrugged "I honestly don't know. At this point I have recognized their voices."

"You must have a big brain to remember all that." You said entering his office. "I guess you could say that." Hux stopped in the middle of the floor and rubbed his temples. "So parents..."

"Don't worry my parents admire you. They always talk in your favor when you were brought up in conversations. As for Kylo... that's a different story." He crossed over to your desk and sat on the edge. You knew your dad didn't like either Kylo or Hux. After coming home from work he always complained. You were going to change his opinion if it killed you.

"You'll be ok Armi, I promise."

"Ok first rule... you can't call me Armi or Armitage. I know it's my name but... you saying it does something to me. Second rule, no winking or anything sexual." You stood from your desk in front of him. You bit your lip "What like this, Armitage?" You wrapped your arms lazily around his waist. "You are going to kill me."

"It's my job. Plus don't worry I won't do anything to provoke you." He smiled at you and kissed you. "I love you Armi." He ran his finger down your cheek, "I love you too Y/N."

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