Chapter 35: Old Friends New Enemies

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You waited in the training room for your new opponent. Hux said that he spent all night trying to convince this person to help you. The door opened and Hux stood tall. He walked over to you and grabbed your arm.

"Armitage what's going on?" He lead you to the control room. Your mouth dropped, in front of the window stood Kylo, or Ben. He welded a blue lightsaber. "Hux..." he looked at you, "I know it's been a while, but you need to destroy him. He's already killed fifty of my men, singlehandedly. Every time he kills another he demands to see you. Please Y/N."

You nodded and walked down the hall to the door. "Stand down!" You yelled at the remaining troopers. They looked at you and ran away. "Y/N..." Ben said, he sounded like he had a lump in his throat. "I... uh... I heard about the baby. I'm truly sorry."

"Is that why you are killing all of my soldiers, just to tell me you're sorry! Well Ben Solo, I've moved on, and so should you." He swallowed hard and put his lightsaber back in his holster. "I wouldn't put that up, your going to need it." You ignited your saber.

"I'm not going to fight you Y/N." You laughed, "Then I guess I'll have to kill you." You charged at him and swung. He dodged your moves and grabbed your wrist. His grip got tighter as he stared into your eyes. You dropped the lightsaber, your wrist was now throbbing.

"Stop. I don't want to fight you. Armitage has already lost enough." You laughed again, "You really think you'll kill me? I am more powerful than you will ever be. You just don't know it because you were too weak to train me." You we're trying to get under his skin.

Kylo exhaled. You held out your hand and lighting bolts poured from them, hitting him in the chest. Dooku taught you that in your dreams, you were shocked it worked. You walked over to Ben grabbing your lightsaber, you held it to his throat. You stomped your foot into his chest to keep him down. "You still have a lot to learn Y/N."

He grabbed your ankle and twisted it until you heard a big CRACK. You fell on the ground, he stood up over you. "One more thing Y/N before I leave, I love you, but you already knew that." You chuckled. "This is for playing with my emotions!" You forced your lightsaber into his chest. He looked down at the saber sticking out of his sternum. "I thought you cared about me to much to-" Ben fell to the ground pushing the saber further into his breast.

"NO!!!" A girl screamed. She ran towards Ben, "How could you do that! He loved you." You sighed and got up ignoring the pain in your ankle. She watched you and a tear fell from her eye hitting the snow. You wrapped your arms firmly around her neck and snapped it. She fell on top of Ben.

You walked back into the base and almost collapsed. Hux grabbed your arm. He picked you up, princess style, and carried you to the med bay. "Wow Y/N. That was...entertaining." You both laughed.

"What did I tell you about the foot thing though. I know it looks cool but it looks like Ben broke your ankle." You smiled remembering the training session Hux attended.

"Did I do good?" He gasped, "You did amazing! The no mercy thing you just pulled off is very hard to accomplish, it's like it's in your blood. Not to mention it's very sexy." You raised your eyebrow, "Does that mean if I wasn't able to pull it off I'd be less sexy?" He almost panicked, "No! I... well, you know what I meant!" He set you on the med bay bed and called over a droid.

"The girl you killed was the scavenger, Snoke will be very pleased to know they are both dead." You nodded, "I know, I killed her because she had the force, she was strong with it too."

The droid cut open your ankle and used a marrow and bone replacer to fix you up. Hux looked at you the entire time distracting you from the open wound. He winked and smiled at you mischievously. You smirked back at him.

The droid fixed up the wound and Hux helped you stand up. He walked you back to the room. Outside the door you kissed him passionately. He stumbled trying the unlock the door. He took off his glove, still kissing you, and slammed his hand on the key pad. The door opened and you jumped into his arms wrapping your legs around his waist.

You felt complete now, you were with Hux, your enemies were destroyed, everything was happy. "You sure you wanna do this?" He asked you nervously. You scoffed "Of corse I wanna do this! I just killed Kylo friggin Ren!" He smiled and pulled you on top of him.

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