Chapter 7

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Surprised! you all weren't expecting two chapters for this story now did you? Well, just know this usually happens when I'm on a very good mood. So yeah, onto the story!


Flub point of view

After what me and Lucas talked about a few weeks, he decided that I should go with Sabre, honestly though, why does it that I have to go of all people? "That's because you wanted to do some wort of adventures and that you want to be out of the kingdom." I jumped at the sudden voice, only to find out it was Lucas that said all of that, I semi glare at him. "Dude, learn to knock on the door before entering someone's room." I tell him with disapproval, he just smirked. "Yeah I know, but that wouldn't work when we're assassins here. Besides, are you ready cause the portal will be activated in a few days from now." He asked me, I huffed, i should have known, But I nodded. "Yeah I'm ready, just wasn't expecting that today would be the day though. Didn't Sabre tell us that the Steves there may not understand what we can do over there?" I asked, he nodded. "She did, but I'm not sure if it's just the time difference or the timeline being corrupted in some ways, seeing as that's not supposed to be happening. But this is Sabre we're talking about, so they're just wanting to solve mysteries." Lucas answered, I sighed, that would be so true about her, then again, if she wants to do something, the shes gonna use force when necessary.

I Grabbed my bag of food and clothes and some resources as well. "Oh and uhh, Flub?" I look at Lucas, beckoning him to continued. "I suggest you changed your clothes too, I don't think anyone would understand why you of all people would be wearing old fashion clothes or something." He commented, I look at my casual clothes that I wore when we all went to a different part of Minecraftia, well actually, he's kinda right. "Well, do you have a better idea as to what type of clothes I should wear? Cause honestly, this is one of my only casual clothes that I actually own." I tell him, he thought for a moment. Then he got an idea, that one I am not sure If it would work at all or I should be terrified of at all. "How about we go marketing for your new clothes and possibly make them as well!" I sweat dropped at the idea that Lucas just explains to me, Oh boy, I don't like that smile that he have at all. "Um, I guess that can work, but then again, your idea that involves normal things usually fails in many ways." I answered with withe even more sweats coming off my head.

Unfortunately for me, Lucas just smiled even more, uhhh can someone help me? Why is this happening to me now? "I have no choice now do I?" "Nope, not one bit, come on let's go to the market!" Before I can say anything, Lucas grabbed my hand, dragged me out of my room and out of the base and then to the market. This is gonna be a long day...


Meanwhile in the Steve Realms....

Sabre point of view

After Light Steve have created a safe zone to protect us from Dark Steve, for some reason, Rainbow Steve told me that if a Steve have blanked Bloody Red eyes, that means that they are under some sort of influence that making them do things that they don't want to do. Another thing would be the insanity lost, where they would be glitching in some ways, or something. Although I do sense some form of forbidden magic being used on that Steve. I look over at Light Steve, who is just as worried as I am. "Hey Light Steve? Do you think we will be able to save him somehow?" I asked, he shrugs, unsure if it's possible. I sighed, this is gonna be a very long day. I shivered, honestly it's cold in this sort of this biome, not gonna lie. "Ugh, I forgot how cold this sort of biome can be." I said to myself as I went over to the few chest full of resources, I scavenge around until I found some wood, sticks, coal and a flint and steel. Smirking, I went to an open area and created a campfire to keep myself warm. I look over at Light Steve to see that he is making some sort of snow house with some sea lanterns.

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