Chapter 4

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Sabre point of view

To say I was shocked was an understatement, I mean there's a Rainbow Color Steve! Wait, did I just summoned a Rainbow Steve? Thats, actually kinda cool! Although, I wonder what they can do though, I hope it isn't something super crazy! Actually scratch that, something crazy always happen in my life. I look at the Rainbow Steve, they look around curiously until they spotted me, I just stand where I am at, not sure if I should approach them or not. Steve looked at me then at the machine, I let out a sigh of relief. I don't know what this Steve is capable, but I do not want to find out whats so ever. "Whoa, I still can't actually believe that Red, Blue and Green Steve fused to become Rainbow Steve." I quietly say to myself, letting the Rainbow Steve look around, I went over to the machine to dismantle it.

After dismantling about half of the machine, it suddenly started raining, confused, I look at the Rainbow Steve, to see that they look just as confused as I am. "Weird, whenever it rains, doesn't that mean the the Steve gets stronger?" True to my words, I look at Rainbow Steve in shocked, since well, they're flying, legit actually flying.Actually scratch that, why is it raining!? Wait, didn't I already question that? I was about to walk over to Rainbow Steve, until I noticed something. Is that a Blue Steve??

Rainbow Steve point of view

Oh no, nonononononono, This is very bad! It isn't supposed to rain at all! I mean, yeah in the original timeline, I caused the rain and created the whole water wall, but I didn't do either of those at all! Ahhh this is super bad! "Rainbow Steve can you hear us!?" Uhh, was that just Origin Steve talking to me mentally? Of course it's him! "Yeah, I can hear you Origin Steve, quick question, WHAT IS HAPPENING?!" I am already panicking, I look over at Sabre, well she's just as confused and shocked as I am. Oh wait, actually she's confused as to why there is suddenly rain and a water wall, she's more or less shocked that I'm flying right now.

"Geez Rainbow Steve! Can you not scream or yell? That just given me the worst headache that ever existed you know!" Uhh, woops, I may have not thought that through."Hey, it's not my fault that we don't usually used telepathy, nether, we didn't know we all could until Galaxy Steve screamed Sandwich in our minds" Technically I wasn't joking, he really did screamed Sandwich at one point earlier. "Anyways, back on point, we sense Darki Steve, yes, I know its too early for him to appear, but here the thing, Dark Steve seems to be under some kind of control or influence by someone or something I have never ever since before, nether, I think this being is what caused the Infection in the first place!" I Stood still in complete shocked . I quickly look at Sabre, I sighed in relief, nothing had happened to her yet, she still at the machine, although I don't blame her for being confused.

I flew in front of Sabre, which surprised her. "Whoa! Um, is there you want?" She asked me, I shook my head no, which surprised her even more. I frown, I'm just noticing this now, but how is it that the chicken onesie is hiding their gender so well? Ahh never mind, it's probably nothing I should be worried about. I take out a sign, then place it in front of Sabre. "There is something coming, I don't know what, but it's very dangerous." Sabre read the sign then look at me both serious and surprised. "Something dangerous? Is it that blue steve right over there?" I am confused, okay? I think Sabre noticed my confusion and pointed at the water wall, oh wait, Oooh, now I get it, there is a blue Steve over ther- wait, didn't Dark Steve pretended to be an Elder Blue Steve?

That's when I realized something, oh nether no, you gotta be kidding me. I place another sign in front of Sabre. "You need to get out of here, I don't know why, but that blue steve doesn't seem normal, I have a bad feeling about them" Sabre nodded, but very much confused. "Okay? I guess, but why should I run fo- What the!?" Looking behind me, there is more water appearing all of a sudden, with a whole bunch of lightning, I growled, but not loud enough that Sabre can hear. Oh why does this gotta happen now of all time? "Guys! Do you guys think one of you would go into your spirit form and help Sabre get out of here?" I asked them through the mental link as I help Sabre escape through the water wall.Once we are on the other side of the water wall, I summoned some ice and threw it at the fake Elder Blue Steve. "I go, think you guys can deal with whatever is controlling Dark Steve? Cause, I know for sure that Nightmare Steve isn't controlling Dark Steve, other wised Dark Steve wouldn't have appeared as the Fake Blue Steve right about now." Time Steve answered through the link, that makes a whole lot more sense, that explains the warning that Origin Steve gave me earlier.

"Whoa, I may not know whats happening, but that ain't good!" Sabre said to themselves in shocked and surprised. I look at her for a moment then at the currently controlled Dark Steve who is pretending to be an Elder Blue Steve. The fake Elder Steve then threw a fire charge at Sabre. "Oh crap!" Sabre shouted in surprise as they noticed the fire charge is going to hit her, unfortunately I was too late on stopping it.

Sabre point of view

I as soon as I saw the fire charge, I know I won't be able to fully escape it unharmed, but I tried dodging anyways, as I tried to run away from it, but I was too late. I used my arms to cover my face. Huh? Shouldn't I be feeling pain right about now? I uncovered my face to see....someone?

Rainbow Steve point of view

I sighed in relief, thanked Minecraftia that Time Steve managed to come just in time and in his Spirit form as well, at least that way Sabre won't know what Time Steve looks like quite yet. Until later on in the future when the time is right. I look at Time Steve and nodded at him, he nodded back and smile. Now that I know that Sabre would be in safe hands, I glared at the Fake Elder Blue Steve.

Time Steve point of view

Okay, Thanked Minecraftia, I am so glad I have the ability to use time itself! At least I managed to save Sabre just in time too. I look at Rainbow Steve, he nodded, I smiled and nodded back. Then I look at a surprised and shocked Sabre. Huh, they weren't expecting now did they? I walk over to Sabre, they look at me after getting over there surprised shocked. "Who are you and what are doing?" Sabre asked me with a serious tone as they went into a fighting stance. Uhhh let's see how to make this less suspicious, wait I can alter my voice a little, that way she won't recognize my voice when we meet later on in the future. "I am just a friend, no need to worry, but I must get you out of here, it is not safe to be here for you cannot defeat Steve for the powers they hold." I calmly tell them, I can tell they don't want to run, of course Sabre would be Stubborn about this.

"I can understand that I can't go up against Steve, but I can still fight or do something to be helpful." She stubbornly answered, I sighed, yep, very stubborn. "You need to leave, I don't care, If I have to drag you or teleport you to safety, then so be it. Me and my friend's mission is to ensure your safety for you are too important in the future." I tell them serious, which made them confused. "What?" Using there confusion to my advantage, I instantly teleported ourselves far away from here.

Rainbow Steve point of view

As soon as Time Steve gotten Sabre out of here, I smirked and then glared at the currently controlled Dark Steve/Fake Elder blue Steve. "Tch, you know, that just complicates my mission. But no matter, I can just get rid of you instead." I Frowned, okay that is definitely not Dark Steve, because he does not sound like a creepy being that is ready to kill someone. Before I can do anything, they thrown a Fire charged at me.

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