Chapter 32

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Jimin's pov

As I thought back to my past a recent event that happened at the beginning of my college years came back. On the first day, our seniors had treated us as a welcoming event. We all went to the restaurant and as we all were of legal ages we ordered alcohol me, Hani, tae and kook we all went on an alcohol showdown. Tae being the first one to pass out as he couldn't handle alcohol very well. Kook, me and Hani we three continued. He was competitive and was bend over not passing out before I did, but little did he know me and Hani we both had very and when I say very I mean very high tolerance to alcohol so he ended up passing out. All the people our seniors and freshmen like us went back to their respective dorms except us. We had a drunk tae and kook to carry. We were still at the restaurant and I send Hani to buy two big bottles of water. We had to sober them up a bit so we can make them walk to our dorms. I was still sober as I heard Tae sleep talking then Jungkook too. So I sat there quietly and listened to them.

"I like Jimin when we were in
the sc-school bud I dint have guts two tels him" Tae slurred out and the fact that he liked me surprised me. 

'Then why did he date Irene?' I thought to myself. 

And as if he read my mind he replied but it was him talking to himself than to me. 'Why did I date Irenee? Oh, coz I didn't hav the guts to ask him oud so she was a s-subsditute. But she's was veriy fake~ I still~ lyke him.' he hiccupped out.

As tae stopped Jk started to slur speak.

"I li-like Jim-in dhen nd now two.
L-liza waz fake bitcx she kizz me on purpoise dat day. She's dint lykei me at a-all. She's juz was doing dar~e I herd shes talk 2 herr fiends."

Kook slurred out.

To say I was shocked by their confession is an understatement, I was mind-blown that they both liked me then and now too. But I felt pity for them as I couldn't return any one of their feelings. Me loving them before felt like a very distant memory. I knew I couldn't love them any other way other than a platonic way.

Hani returned with two big bottles of water. We made them drink it all even though they both were whining about not wanting to drink any. We picked them up as they still passed out and not sober yet but the restaurant was closing soon and we had to get out before they kicked us out. So I and hani both put Tae and kook on our backs each giving them a piggyback ride back to our dorms. We were lucky they were roommates so we didn't have to take them to different rooms.

Then we went to our rooms ending our day. My mind was still filled with the fact they both liked me and still like me. I slowly went to sleep as darkness cradled me in its arms.

Yeah....... I got nothing to say. I will try to finish this story as fast as I can to end the suffering.


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