Save me no i save myself

Start from the beginning

   she followed him happily to finally be able to sleep or at least lay down she was not sure sleep would be something she could achieve tonight He led her to a bedroom, she had not taken a moment to really look at his home but, it reflected his style and she liked it. He gave a quick tour of bedroom and bathroom in suite. She quickly realized this was his room. "Henry I can't possibly take your room you said it was a guest room." he put his hands up  and insisted. "I am fine to sleep in the guest room. The bed is smaller and less comfortable, I don't have many guest so it's not really anywhere near a good room" she was going to protest but he reassured her  that he did not mind.  "really I don't mind I really just need a bed to sleep in, plus I am so much shorter than you I will do fine in a small bed" one last attempt to not have him give up his room which he laughed off. " I will be fine in there plus you've had a hard few days and should get a good nights sleep" he stared at her painfully. "Why are you doing this?" she asked softly" he took in a sharp breath. "I did this to you" he took a step closed and took her face softly in his palm. She leaned into his hand closing her eyes "I led you here to this moment and for that I am sorry"  she reluctantly agreed to his offer thanking him again. Before he left he engulfed her in a hug and kissed the top of her head. "Good night darling, I am in the room next door if you need anything." She nodded and he left closing the door softly.

    Amelia looked around and felt the weight of the evening on her. She grabbed her suitcase and went through and took inventory of the few things she managed to get from Tom's. She had gotten most of her stuff mainly missing toiletries which she could easily replace. She walked into the bathroom and started the shower and walked in not even waiting for the water to get hot. She stood under the water sobbing. The week had began with so much hope and love but had ended in disaster and heartbreak. She was so broken she had thought that Tom would be the one, she focused on helping him mesh into her life she never stopped to think that she might not fit into his. It hurt everything hurt, her heart, her mind and her body. She sobbed until the water went from hot to cold again and shut off the water. She stood looking at herself in the mirror wrapped in a towel staring at herself. She looked like a shadow of the woman she used to be. Somehow she had managed to go back to pain and suffering after vowing not to ever be here ever again. The tears didn't stop she finally left the bathroom and found her most comfortable and modest set of pajamas and crawled into Henry's bed. She laid there in the softest bed ever surrounded by Henry's essence. She thought of how things had gone with the man down the hall and how even though she hurt him he still picked her up when she fell, the sobs were out of control she was drowning in her pain, spiraling out of control. 

   Henry who had been listening to her fall apart for the past hour with a heavy heart couldn't take it anymore. He walked down the hall and opened her door. She didn't even hear him or notice him until he crawled into bed with her and wrapped his arms around her. She said nothing she just rolled over and buried her face into his chest and sobbed.  "I know love, I'm here let it out" she was broken into million pieces and he was trying his best to hold her together. "Why am I never good enough for anyone" she sobbed. "Amelia" he said a tone of sadness. He did this to her, Tom may have disappointed her tonight, but he had historically let her down over and over. Her sobs quieted and were replaced with soft breathing indicating she was asleep. He didn't let go of her as she readjusted herself laying her head on his chest and laid one arm across his torso. He pushed her hair from her face and placed a soft kiss on her forehead. "You are more than good enough" he said softly into her head placing one more kiss on her sleeping forehead. She smiled in her sleep and Henry hoped that tomorrow would be a better day for her.

    Amelia woke up to a bright sunny day and a very cute black furry face panting in front of her. The Akita dog was sitting watching her sleep almost like he was told to. His bear like face made her smile. She held her hand out for him and he immediately walked to it and let her touch him. "Hello Kal" Henry's Instagram famous dog knew her well. Henry had brought him along many times and she adored him.  She realized she was alone and could only guess where the dogs master was this early in the morning. After her morning rituals she walked out of the room almost herself again, but quickly realized she had no idea where Henry was. She had never been to his home. But Kal knew. "Kal" she called to the dog that was now lounging on the bed while she was getting ready for the day. "where is Henry?" The dog looked at her sideways like he didn't understand her but then took off she followed. She could hear a treadmill and the sound of someone running? They came to what looked like a gym and there he was. in just shorts running. He was gorgeous and she shameless stared at him. She had definitely always likes his physique any woman would. she walked to the front of the treadmill to his line of site. He took out a headphone and smiled. "hey." He didn't stop he was dedicated to his work and working out was part of that so she didn't want interrupt. "I found you well, Kal did anyway" she said as she reached down to pet the sweet dog. "so you did, I left you Kal to keep  you company I see he did his job well" he said as the treadmill slowed down. "I don't want to interrupt" She said "nah I am done here and I'm starved" she smirked at him "that's right fasting cardio huh." He nodded as he drank water.

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