She composed herself and put the key card in the door but didn't turn the handle before it was flung open. "You have company" Tracy said. She looked pale and like she had been waiting. A look of confusion crossed your face but before you could ask who she responded "He's in your bedroom" Henry. He was here. How had he found her. "I will be awake until he leaves" She nodded silently knowing what she meant. She walked towards the door to her but before she could turn the door knob again the door flung open. There he stood with a look of This anger mixed with something else something that she couldn't quite place. "how was your date?" She knew that Tracy hadn't told him she never would. He was spying on her "Are you spying on me?" she said anger rising. she walked into the room and closed the door. he walked to her closing the space in few steps. "Yes because you stopped responding to me" he was seething and he needed release. Her next words shocked her "I release you from our contract-"he barreled towards her taking her shoulders and squeezing tightly   "I don't want to be released. You are mine-"she shook herself out of his hold "I belong to NO ONE, Henry Cavill" she raised her voice and he raised an eyebrow standing her ground. She knew why he was here. He wanted release from his anger and he wanted to hate fuck her just like she had the night her rejected her. But she was not willing to play this game with him anymore. "I can't do this anymore Henry" her tone was sad a visible change that he didn't like. "I don't want to play this game anymore. I played it for a long time and I was good at it. But I lost this time and the loss was too much" She sat on the bed watching him. "I want more" Three words that caused him so much grief. He wanted her all of her he would never admit it to her but it was true. But he focused now on getting what he wanted from her now. It took moments but he formulated a plan, he released a breath that he was holding and knelt in front of her. She was crying sitting legs crossed on edge of the bed. He held her face in his hands and wiped away her tears with his thumbs. "shh I know what you want and I am sorry for what I said before. But I am scared of this too..". She looked up at him finally eye filled with tears. "I don't want to get hurt and I don't want to hurt you" His heart twinge with guilt it was true he didn't want to hurt her but he knew he couldn't give in to her want so he lied, he knew if she caught on she would be done for good. He needed a change of plan and he needed it now so he did the one thing he rarely ever did. He kissed her. It was intoxicating and made her head swim. That was all it took. Her body took over as her mind was taken over by him. Every emotion she felt for him came back like the ocean crashing over her. She wanted him, more than he wanted her. She wanted to give in and let him take her but the memory of Tom's lips on her hand made her stop. "No, I can't do this Henry you need to leave." She got up and opened the door of her bedroom. He rolled his eyes and followed her in hopes of changing her mind but she was already at the door of her room holding the door open. "Leave... please" She said quietly not looking at him. He grabbed his coat and walked to the door. He held her chin and forced her to look at him. Those eyes burned into her, "I miss you, love" he kissed her softly on the cheek and left. A ploy to convince her she was sure she closed the door and walked to the sofa to collapse. Tracy opened the door to her room and walked to her looking at her broken friend. It took everything for her to do what she did and she knew, that. "Ice cream and cry?" Amelia nodded her head. Tracy left and came back with 3 pints of different ice cream and spoons. "Ice cream and cry" Amelia said. 

The next morning Amelia thanked all the Gods that she had gone for ice cream and not liquor. She woke early and went down to the gym working her body until it hurt punishing for letting Henry kiss her but it also reminded her that last night did happen and Henry was watching her. She should have known that he would not let her out of this contract without his end of the bargain satisfied but she hoped that for now she could just keep him away until she could figure out what to do.

She only had three more days in London and she spent them with Tom. He was blossoming with words and actions. His love language was touch which consequently so was Amelia's. So after two days of caresses, hugs and hand holding she was infatuated and falling fast. Any thought of Henry and her subsequent drunken break down was forgotten. The day before her departure which was early in the morning Tom asked her to come over to his home so he could make her dinner she accepted happily. They had now known each other for a total of a week and she was happily in like with Tom. As she arrived at his house with a bottle of wine in her bag she got a bit nervous as thoughts of Henry crept into her mind. Was he still watching? was he really missing her? Tom greeted her and welcomed her into his house. It was very clean modern and bachelor like. She smiled as she say her books on his book shelf seeing them well-worn was always a high for her because it showed that the reader enjoyed them. As she walked through his open floor plan home she felt very at ease. Tom as incredibly sweet and flirty and she liked that about him. She wanted to do more than touch and hugs but she didn't want to push his boundaries. She had always jumped to sex so this was new for her and she really wasn't sure when a kiss or more was appropriate anymore. She entered his kitchen to watch as he prepared their lunch. He was quite the chef or at least she thought from what she saw. He poured her some wine and himself. He seemed a bit more nervous today then the last few days. On edge or maybe she was. She jumped up on his counter to continue to observe and he smirked at her "That was a big jump love" It was meant as a term of endearment she knew that but the word just rolled off this tongue and made her feel something else. He caught the blush she had from his words. The past days all he could think of was kissing her. He thought about her lips, the way she laughed, the way she danced when she heard a song she liked. He wanted to kiss her today and he was determined but he was also nervous. " I know I'm surprised I made it" He chuckled. He took the pan of food off the burner and moved it into the oven. "well this has to sit in there for twenty min then we will be ready to eat." she smiled and took another sip of her wine. He decided that this was the moment and he went for it. "So what should we do now, Love" he said seductively as he walked towards her on the counter. She watched him carefully, gaging his intentions. He slithered towards her until he stood in front of her. He put his hands on her legs and she opened and made space for him. His touch was hot and she could feel it burning her even though the thick material of her jeans. She was aroused by him and she was enthralled. He his face was so close and he stopped giving her the opportunity to lean in before he did. But she wanted him to take control. That's what she liked and so he complied. She put her hands on his chest but made no moves to stop him instead she wrapped her arms around neck thrusting her finger into his hair and the nape of his neck. She closed her eyes and like instinct he leaned in and closed the gap. The kiss was quick but meaningful. He put every ounce of passion into that one soft kiss and she felt it all the way to her core. They disconnected and he looked at her seeking permission for more. This time she closed the gap and the passion flood swept over them. They were wrapped up in each other for the twenty min it took for their food to cook. They separated out of breath and finally sated. This kiss was different for Amelia, something changed in her this was a different type of passion that she had not had in a long time. Tom kissed her softly once more before moving to the oven to remove their food. She touched her lips and he turned they felt electric and she was grinning ear to ear. He was flushed from their exchange and she loved it. He placed the food on the stove and turned to her with a sexy smile. "I'm not really hungry quite yet" That was all that he said her smile indicated that she was on the same wavelength. In two steps he was back in her arms and their lips were together again. His kiss was like breathing again. He picked her up off the counter and she wrapped her legs around his waist. He walked them to the living room and gently placed her on the lounge chair and rested on top of her. They continued the make out session without a sense of time. Things were increasing with every kiss there were no words just touches and wordless permission given. She noticed that Tom did nothing without her consent even if it was just a nod or a kiss in response. Eventually he was extremely aroused and there was no hiding it. She wanted to reason that they had had a total of 3 dates and typically people could have sex now but she stopped herself. She wanted this to be different and how to could it be different if she just jumped to sex with him. There was also the issue of Henry that she had skirted around and she needed to tell him. She broke the kiss and settled next to him as he adjusted himself. He kissed her softly as they laid in comfortable silence holding her. "Are you hungry now darling" she laughed out loud "Yes I am" They sat up and composed themselves and soon were sitting at his table. He served proudly and gave her more wine. They ate and talked but he eventually put his utensils down and Amelia knew he was going to ask. "Darling, why did you stop me on the couch?" She took a deep breath. He watched her waiting patiently for her to speak. She was not going to insult him by lying. She finished her wine and spoke "Tom, I like you, a lot." He didn't like where this was going already and frowned. She noticed and put her hand in his " I have to be honest with you about some things. Before you, before this I didn't date anyone." he was calm and waiting for more "After Derek died I never thought that I would ever love anyone again nor did I want to even try. But as a young single woman I still wanted affection" She was cringing internally. She didn't know why this was so hard to tell him. She wasn't ashamed of her story but for some reason she was afraid that he would be ashamed. Nothing on his face so she continued. "So since then I had affairs. not many but all included a contract and NDA. It was a very specific set of rules that I liked to follow that included some BDSM things." He raised an eyebrow and she stopped. "Darling, are you trying to tell me that you had sex with men but no relationships or what you in America call booty calls/? Because if that the case there is really nothing to be ashamed of. You are a free adult woman, your sexuality or your sexual preferences is not for me to judge." she smiled at him. Sweet naïve man. "Tom, I have a contract now. with someone I obviously can't say who. But this situation is different. He dominates me and controls me in so many ways not just sexually." She said it and it took him a min to understand. "He is your dominant?" she nodded in response. His eyes went dark, he knew that she was lost in this relationship with Henry. He was dominating her and she couldn't let go because she had fallen for her dominator. "Has he hurt you more than you consented?" His jaw tensed the thought of her being mistreated made his loose his mind. "Not physically" Tom knew that she was not being completely honest because the emotional pain he had caused was more than the physical pain. She didn't want to cry but the thought of Henry made her ache physically and mentally. She bowed her head and let the tears fall, She let him see her cry, even though she didn't want to burden him with her pain. . He got out of his chair and picked her up bridal style as she wrapped her arms around his neck. He placed her gently on the same couch she sat on the day he found her out in the rain. He sat in front of her on the ottoman. "Amelia, look at me darling" she did as he said her brown eye glistening. He smiled at her and caressed her face with his hand. "How long has it been since you've been made love to" She didn't have to try and remember. She knew exactly how long, the day before Derek died it was imprinted in her mind forever. The tears fell faster but not for Henry. This time they were for her true pain. The truth of it was that she liked to be punished because the pain made her remember that she was still in pain from loss. She had gone through every step of grief but she didn't want to let the pain of his loss go. Tom knew the answer too without having to hear anything. He held her as she cried he would hold her forever if she let him and in that moment he realized how much he meant that. She looked up at him the sadness evident "kiss me " she pleaded. He would ever refuse her and he knew that now so he complied. The kiss was sad but still filled with passion. He kissed her as if his lips could heal her broken heart. "let me show you how to be loved again." It had been a week but she knew how she felt about him and he knew how he felt about her. That's all that mattered. "yes" she said. He picked her up and took her to his bed and made love to her so gently. She had not been cared for like that in a long time. They spent the night tangled in each other and he held her until he could hear the soft breathing indicating that she was asleep which he then allowed himself to follow her to sleep. As he knew he would follow her now where ever she would lead.

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