Chapter 8: Etnad and Gliver

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Wow! This one came quick! Honestly, this is partly from the Smash Direct for the last DLC character. I was...very disappointed that the chance of getting Crash Bandicoot, Rayman and even DANTE was destroyed by ANOTHER DAMN FIRE EMBLEM CHARACTER. NEVER EVEN PLAYED THREE HOUSES AND EVERY OTHER CHARACTER WASN'T FROM THE GAME BEFORE!

*Sigh* Sorry about the little rant. Anyway, here's an early chapter for you folks. And from the title, we'll be seeing Vergil's Devil. His Devil is two entities actually, one with pure human influence and the other is the entire demon. She'll be meeting Urizen soon but Gliver is first! Let's get started. Warning: This chapter has concealed body horror and a breakdown!

Joharai was ready to lose it. After that Devil Etnad touched her birthmark and scented her, her phone was being blown up with calls from her family. Jonathan, Joseph, Jotaro, Giorno, Holly, Jolyne, Johnny and her brother were the only blood Joestars other than her so they all shared the birthmark. And their blood relation was strong enough to be felt around the world. She could lie to her aunt but the others could easily smell bullshit a mile away.

And they were not pleased to hear about Etnad's bold move. "If that horny Devil tries to touch you again, I'm greeting the bastard to some vampire retaliation. I've gotten a good grip of shooting lasers from my eyes." From her grandfather Joseph had her nervous. "Oh dear. I'll have my blade ready and book a plane ride tomorrow." She managed to dissuade her great great great grandpa Jonathan. 

"Yare yare daze. Bastard better not touch you again or I'll have Star Platinum beat the damn thing to death." Jotaro wasn't one to back out on a potential beatdown. "Yare Yare Dawa! No scaled bastard is laying eggs in my aunt!" Jolyne's comment had her creeped out since she didn't know if Etnad was that type of Devil. She rather find out on her terms. "Muda diavolo better swear to Hell that I don't find him first." Had her pity Etnad remembering what Giorno was capable of.

"That horny hellspawn better keep its hands to itself before I have the wanker hogtied and scalped." From Johnny as she prayed Etnad wouldn't do something stupid. Gappy was the only one chill about the whole mess. He knew what she was capable of and could hold her own if the Devil tried something. She was lucky to keep her whole family from storming into Devil May Cry Stands blazing. Now if only Dante would answer his phone.

Dante now back to his human form was breathing heavily. He wrestled back control of his body from his inner devil and thanked the stars that he didn't hurt Joharai. "How the fuck did Etnad even get loose? I always kept it locked up." Dante grumbled in the empty alley that he dove into. He rather not get shot after literally flipping his sanity for devil fueled bloodlust. "No longer…" He froze immediately hearing the voice.

Dante turned his head to see the visage of his inner devil before him. He knew it wasn't really there but the fact the beast manifested like that was scary. "You learned to finally talk? Then I can tell you myself to leave her alone!" Dante growled as his Devil snorted in amusement. "Dante wants pretty human. Etnad could feel Dante's heart race near her. How warm you get from above and below." Etnad answered with a smile while the devil hunter growled.

Dante growled since the demon was speaking the truth. It was him after all. "Etnad wants her too. Pretty human not only strong but spirit burns like the sun inside her. Etnad is jealous watching her tend to the needs of her spirits while Etnad has none. Etnad wants to feel her soft flesh grace his scaled hide like pretty human does to them. Especially how much we've changed below now." The devil snakes around him with a grin.

That smile of his demon had Dante nervous. Instinctively he touched the side of his lower abdomen. Nothing weird until he got closer to his crotch was where he felt it. "What did you do?" He hissed at his own Devil. "Etnad did nothing. Dante did this by his own. Dante fed on Sparda. Etnad more than Dante is now." Dante froze realizing the change.

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