Chief Zhuo and Yan Xujia left Yibo and Briand in his room .....

" What's wrong ???" - Wang Yibo.

Briand stood motionless seeing Wang Yibo, longing, happy, sad, regret all the feelings he felt until he himself was not aware of tears falling.

Wang Yibo who saw that immediately approached and wiped the tears of Briand.

" Why are you crying ???" - Wang Yibo.

Wang Yibo didn't differ much either, he was even very happy to be able to see the person he had been waiting for. But he tried to remain calm, because he would compete and he didn't want his emotions to change.

"Now you can see, I just want to ask who am I ???  Briand..... Or... Xiao Zhan????" -Briand.

" Why do you ask like that???" - Wang Yibo.

"I feel like I am the Xiao Zhan that you are telling me ??? " - Briand.

" Are you sure ??? " -wang yibo.

Briand was a little unsteady, he himself wasn't sure, he just felt that he was Xiao Zhan. All the blurry images that Briand has seen recently, and the fact that he doesn't remember his past.


Yibo pulled Briand and kissed him and at the same time Xujia opened the door

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Yibo pulled Briand and kissed him and at the same time Xujia opened the door. Yibo immediately released his kiss and Yan Xujia without guilt entered the room.

"If you are sure, you can look for me." - Wang Yibo.

"Gege, let's go back soon" - Yan Xiujia.

Briand felt increasingly confused, he was not sure if he was Xiao Zhan. He walked away from Yibo with questions, suddenly stopped and turned around ...

"Where should I look for you ???" - Briand.

"By the time you become sure, you will know where to look for me." - Wang Yibo.

Yan Xiujia and Briand returned to the dormitory and received warnings for breaking the rules. Since returning Briand became more silent and daydreaming.

"Gege" -Yan Xujia gives a glass of hot chocolate and sits beside him.

Briand suddenly remembered what happened today...

"I'm very curious, how do you know them ??? Even you can enter the race track without a hitch" -Briand.

"I am the son of their cheif." - Yan Xiujia smiled proudly.

" So you know Wang Yibo too ???" - Xujia nodded.

"I was often invited by my father when he train his racers, and when I joined the team we immediately became familiar." - Yan Xujia.

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