Chapter 9

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"Why did I just realize, I can ask her when we meet again. " - Briand thought.

Briand remembers the first day he came there, some people recognized him as Xiao Zhan. Is this Xiao Zhan they mean the same as Wang Yibo's Xiao Zhan? And how did they think it was me???

Although Briand decided to ignore it, he still felt curious. He was determined to look for Yibo tomorrow at the beach as usual.


The next day Briand went through his activities as usual, in the morning he went to the office to work.

During business hours the Briand seemed nervous, he looked at the watch in his hand almost all the time. ' Why is time running slower today ??? ' - complained Briand.

Briand accelerated his work to finish earlier, but still time was very slow for him.

4:00 p.m. The seconds hand had just passed by number 12, Briand had already ran off the table. His coworker was surprised by Briand today, he was daydreaming and checking the time all day.

Briand immediately went to the beach, but he did not find Yibo there. He checked his watch.

' 16:20, maybe he'll come soon.' - Briand thought.

Briand sat using his jacket as his base, waiting for Wang Yibo while enjoying the atmosphere of the beach in the afternoon.

One hour.....

Two hours.....

Until the sky had turned dark Yibo still hadn't come yet.

' Won't he come today??? ' - Briand thought.

Briand bowed his head against the scrub he was bending before him.

Since returning home after meeting Yibo yesterday, Briand could not ignore every question that popped into his head. Briand began to compare his story with the story of Wang Yibo.

Since he came here, several people recognize him as Xiao Zhan. Yibo lost his lover ten years ago and while his memories start from 10 years ago which is almost the same time as Zhan went missing, but he doesn't want to conclude everything before he asks Yibo.

" Maybe he won't come today." - Briand.

Briand decided to go home, he had waited more than three hours and now it was night he had to return.

Maybe tomorrow we will meet, Briand thought. Until a few days passed Briand still hadn't met Yibo on the beach. Today he plans to go around looking for Yibo's residence. From what he said, his residence merges with his father's workshop.

A few hours driving around in the nearest area of Briand found a workshop with the name board WANG85. But at that time the workshop was closed, even in front of the gate an article was hung that the owner was not present.

"Excuse me, can I ask you something?" - Briand stopped someone who was passing there.

"Do you know the owner of this house???" -Briand.

" Yes, why??? "

" Do you know Wang Yibo?"

"You mean Wang Yibo who can't see ??? He's the son of the owner of this workshop."

Briand finally found the house of Wang Yibo...

"Do you know where they went???"

After going through so much for his information, he still couldn't find Wang Yibo. Even his family disappeared.

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