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           Charlie for once hadn't gone to bed mad. Today had been a successful day. They had gotten four new demons into the hotel, despite half of the group leaving after. Vaggie and Alastor had managed to convince her that it was progress even if it wasn't a lot. So she was still a little bit mad but not by much. She changed out into her long-sleeved pajamas and crawled into bed. The lavish blankets welcoming her more than any person. 

          She closed her eyes and fell asleep in a few minutes. She had no dreams as expected. Charlie hadn't had a dream in years and if she did they were more like nightmares then anything. No dancing unicorns on rainbows for her. Though, even if she would never admit it to anyone, she would take the rainbows over the nightmares any day.

          Suddenly from somewhere outside the black void of the dream, something grabbed her around the waist. She opened her eyes slowly with a groan. The something that had grabbed her stiffened and clutched the fabric of her clothes. She looked down and instantly bumped into a blue ear that quickly flopped down to the side of his head. Alastor had snuck into her room, gotten into her bed and was now "cuddling" with her. 

          She put a hand on his head and tried pushing him off of her. "What the fuck are you doing here?" Charlie said threateningly.  Alastor just whimpered some words and tried to pull himself closer again. Charlie's hand still held his face a fair distance away, ruining his efforts. "Answer me," she growled, horns starting to pierced out from her head. 

          "I had a nightmare," he mumbled, looking down at the sheets. A nightmare, she thought. She growled giving Alastor one final shove to the head before crossing her arm back over her chest. "What nightmare and why did you come here?" she questioned. Alastor stole a glance up at the furious demon. His time at the Hazbin Hotel had been brief, but he had learned how to read Charlie's more subtle emotions. 

          In those few seconds, Alastor saw the underlying curiosity and even a hint of understanding but he was still reluctant to share. His nightmare was something he didn't want to think about and so he decided to answer Charlie's second question. Even if it was more embarrassing. "I-I came here be-because I feel safe around you," he trailed off the last part. 

          Charlie froze hearing every word that had come out of his mouth. "You wHAT!" Charlie screeched. Alastor's ears sank deeper on his head as she continued. "You feel safe around me! Is this a fucking joke!" She said, "You should be terrified of me, not... that!" The room was so quiet you could have heard a pin drop. Finally, Alastor cut through the silence, "I'm sorry, Charlie b-but can I stay here?"

          Charlie growled, the rest of her horns appeared as she stared down at the Radio demon. Options swirled in her mind. She could easily kick him out of her room, the hotel if she wanted but the thought of her own nightmares clouded her judgment. Charlie growled again and kicked Alastor off the bed. He made a loud squeak that Charlie would have laughed at if it wasn't for her confusion.

          "Stay on the floor," she ordered and turned over to look away from where he fell over. Her horns retraced as she lost some of her anger. She closed her eyes and tried to forget about the demon in the room. Her peace didn't last long because soon she felt a pair of eyes burning into her back. 

          She shot back an icy glare back at Alastor and he ducked back down, just enough so that only his ears showed. She clutched the bed sheets and willed herself not to get mad at Alastor's foolish behavior. A minute later she felt his eyes again and the bed dipped as he tried to climb back on. Charlie shot up and sprayed a gust of fire which Alastor skillfully dodged. Even after the fires were gone he continued to stare at where they once were with terror craved into his face.

          It wasn't the normal kind, not the kind that he showed 24/7, no this was real and Charlie briefly wondered if it had to do with his nightmare. Charlie pulled the comforter and Alastor lost his balance, falling back on to the floor. Charlie rolled her eyes when she heard his pained groans. 

          Charlie sighed when she felt the bed dip once more. Goddamn it Alastor, why do you have to be so persistent, she thought. She knew that if she just kicked him off again this cycle would just continue and she was still very tired. Alastor stopped when he got all four limbs on the bed and watched for Charlie's reaction. 

          Alastor watched the slightly shaky breaths enter and leave her body. Taking it as a good sign he slipped under the comforter and froze when he heard Charlie ask, "Tell me what your nightmare was about." It wasn't a suggestion, it was an order. He didn't want to say anything but he didn't want Charlie to get mad or upset.

           "Fire and blood," he started. "Blood that I spilled. The blood of Angel Dust, Vaggie, Husk, Nifty, and... you. And I had done it. I killed them, Charlie. I-I had killed you." He could still recall his sticky red hands as he looked over the carnage. His red coat blowing in the wind as the realization that he was all alone. Charlie's death was an accident but he still blamed himself. A building had collapsed on her when she tried to fight back.

          He realized that he had silently started to cry. Charlie shifted, "Hhmm, so you killed off everyone you consider friends and then some I'm guessing." "Yea," Alastor said clutching the sheets. Suddenly the bed didn't feel all that warm and comfortable.

           Charlie stiffened when she felt a pair of arms hesitantly wrapped around her waist again. Her breath hitched as she growled, "What in the pits of Hell do you think you're doing?" Alastor shifted closer and said, "Trying to get comfortable." Charlie forced herself not to look too deep into that sentence but her face blushed anyway. 

          "I just really don't want to have another nightmare," Alastor explained. Charlie didn't say anything and tensed up more if that was possible. Alastor sensed that she wasn't liking this position so he slowly and carefully moved so that his body wasn't touching her beside for his hand resting on her torso and his arm looped around her head on the pillow. It wasn't really a position Alastor favored but he'd work with it. 

          Charlie began to lose her tension slowly and her body relaxed into his touch. The two fell into a peaceful sleep with no nightmares. 

Next Morning

          Alastor groan as the red light of Hell's morning woke him up. He reached for Charlie but couldn't find her. He opened his eyes and quickly spotted Charlie standing over by her closet, naked. She still had on her pants and undergarments but that was still to much skin for Alastor to handle. Charlie heard a strangled deer noise and saw that Alastor was awake. She finished buttoning up her shirt before walking over to the bed. 

           Alastor's face was flushed with a deep blue and Charlie, surprisingly gentle, grabbed his chin so he was looking directly at her. "What happened last night never happened got it," she said. Alastor nodded frantically his blush darkening. "And if you do tell anyone," Charlie's grip tightened, "I will know."

           She turned on her heels, grabbed her vest and walked out of the room leaving behind a flustered and terrified Alastor. 


Sorry for the short chapter but inspiration is running low. Requests are very welcome right now. I don't own the picture or the video. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2020 ⏰

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