My Sunshine (Christmas Special)

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          Alastor briskly walked down the streets of Hell. He was heading to see his little sunshine, his ray of light. He had first met her in his earlier days in Hell, trying to kill higher-ranked demons but when he tried to kill her he couldn't. He remembered their first encounter as if it was merely the day before and not a month. 

          Alastor walked over to the four-poster canopy bed. Ever so mindful of the toys that scattered the floor Alastor lend over the sleeping demoness. The child, despite her being just a bit over 40 years, looked like a 5-year-old. Alastor had never killed a child before, well, in Hell at least.  He reached out a bloody hand to her and a droplet fell on to her rosy cheeks. 

          She groaned and stretched, oblivious to the danger she was in. Charlie looked up at the red man, she couldn't see his face because her room was so dark. "Hello. Who are you?" she said sleepily. Alastor was confused. Most people would be screaming or running away right now but she just sat up in her bed awaiting an answer. 

          A sort of lighting energy came off of her, calming the beast inside of him that had moments ago wanted her blood. "The name is Alastor, wonderful to met you, Charlie," he said. Alastor was going to put out his hand but thought better of it and put both hands behind his back. He didn't want to scare the girl, now did he? 

          "It's nice to meet you too Alastor but how did you get here?" she questioned. He laughed, "Through the front door of course." It wasn't really a lie, he had come through the door to Charlie's room, just with a little more force. The beast roared remembering his kills. "Okay Alastor," she yawned and smiled brightly, diminishing the beast to nothing. 

          The princess of Hell had intrigued him, no one had ever been able to calm the beast in him. His murderous feelings to kill everything with a heartbeat. When he was with her, he was himself. He would tell her stories about the world outside her castle because she wasn't allowed outside. He only told her good stories or as good as Hell could get. 

            She seemed to enjoy them but what she liked the most was his memories. Alastor had made the wonderful mistake of telling her that he remembered some things from his mortal life. He talked mostly about his life as a radio host and his mother's cooking. Charlie, however, liked his recollections of holidays, specifically Christmas. The way her face lit up as he would describe the colorful decorations and her astonishment when she found out that demons didn't celebrate it made telling the stories all the more exciting. 

          He patted the side of his coat pocket to make sure his gift was still there. Somehow Alastor had managed to get his hands on a Christmas book. It was titled T'was the Night Before Christmas and he was positive that Charlie was going to love it. The thought of her smile and bubbly giggles made him quicken his pace. 

          He made it to the Castle in recond time, staying in the shadows as he circled around to the back where Charlie's balcony lunged out.  He easily teleported to it and instantly felt Charlie's presence. All murderous thoughts and actions began to swiftly leave his twisted mind. He put both hands on the handles and opened the doors. Part of him was always surprised that the princess had left the doors unlocked after the first time he came through them. 

         He swept the room for any sign of her. The looming ceiling, grand bed, a rug in the center with paper and crayons abandoned. Something new stabbed its way into Alastor's chest, he could feel her presence but he could not see her. Every worst possible thought filled his mind but he was cut short of his breakdown by a burst of soft laughter. The same laughter that warmed his heart day after day.


His hand had unconsciously come to grip the fabric over his heart as he listened hard for the laugh again. "Hehehe," she giggled again. Alastor could see out of the corner of his eye a thin crack of the lid to the chest at the foot of her bed. He would play her game for now and he walked over to the opposite end of the room. "Where could that little demon be?" he questioned to himself fair well knowing the answer. 

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