The girls, surprisingly, are ready on time. They don't even attempt to hide their excitement.

Airport security at LAX is stupid strict. The time we waste in line is even more ridiculous. Eventually we make it onto the plane.

Dek literally goes no holds barred. We are in first class. I am reeling over the excitement of our friends. Personally, my coach days are far behind me. However, our group has never been as fortunate. Dek is definitely making this a trip to remember in every single way.

Alcohol was only offered to me. But, being the gentleman that I am, I had already packed a quart size bag full of mini bottles for the group. The looks of elation and approval have a wide smirk plastered on my face. Between pre-gaming and those bottles, we may be having a deliriously eventful flight.

By the time we land at the airport in Honolulu we are worse for the wear. We absolutely reek of the devil's juice. The girls are being carried to the stretch Hummer that Dek had set up as our shuttle.

Dek, who holds his alcohol like Scrooge holds his money, is probably the most sane in the group. Let me tell you, with his slurring and random bouts of giggles, we are all fit to be tied.

After the twenty minute ordeal to unlock the door to the house, we realize we forgot one major component of this vacation.

The KEY!

Luckily, the maid service had mercy upon our blistered souls and made a quick trip with the spare. That severe act of kindness earned a large tip! If you think that sobered us at all, NOPE! We are still ridiculously drunk off our asses.

Luckily it is only 4pm by the time we make it into the house. After a quick set of showers and room assignments, we are at least sober enough to stand on our own two feet.

Note to self: Eat bread before drinking.

By 7 pm we are back in the Hummer and ready for round two of the night.

We settle on Duke's Waikiki, a very island themed seafood restaurant. The food is delicious and the atmosphere is inviting for drinking. Thankfully, a large tip swayed the waiter not to make a big deal of our "lost identification". They serve the table with an abundance of drinks.

After dinner, we head to The District Nightclub for more drinks, because yeah, and dancing. We have a mighty exciting time keeping the soldiers off of the girls.

Now, I'm not trying to be a complete ass here, but we know I'm fixing to be. Why the hell would a dude see four girls walk in with four guys and assume they have a chance?

No. Fucking. Clue.

So, yeah. Broady and Chance are being bought rounds by the end of the night to keep their fists of fury, as one patron remarked, from reeking havoc in the establishment.

After hours of keeping men off of the girls AND Dek, I have had my fill. We call the night and decide to head back to the house.

Have I mentioned that Dek's parents had extremely decadent taste?

They did!

This fucking house is stupid gorgeous. Ridiculous!

Over 15,000 sq feet. 5 bed and 7 baths. A courtyard. Ocean front. The dining room is set like a sleek modern restaurant with a round table and ten chairs. The kitchen is massive and has two of everything. The bathtub in our room is twice the size of a normal jacuzzi, but half the size of the outdoor jacuzzi.

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