Time Apart Will Only Make Us Stronger

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I arrived back in Los Angeles on December 8th. It was lunch time and I had the rest of the day off, so I was going to go to the beach with Behati. I swear we never got to hang out anymore - either one of us was off somewhere out of town, one of us was working or she was busy with her boyfriend. I definitely didn't begrudge that, because I was no better, I just missed all of the free time we used to have and spent together doing random things. "Biiiiiiiiitch!" she squealed when I arrived at our place, throwing out her arms as though she hadn't seen me in months. I just chuckled. "Hey!" I said as I squeezed her tight.
"Oh my God, how was London? How was the last show?!" she questioned before I'd even put my things down. "Amazing. God, he did so good. They all did." I replied. She put a cocktail in my hand, clearly something citrusy, and then threw herself back onto the couch.
"What is this?" I asked.
"Margarita." she replied.
"Why are we doing margaritas?" I asked with a chuckle.
"Because you're home, duh." she replied before sipping her own. She was so funny.

I joined her on the couch and we talked about London, about what I'd been doing over the past few days, and I showed her photos from the Vevo show. It was incredible after all. "Girl, you are so beyond in love with this boy." she chuckled as I scrolled through, admittedly, a LOT of photos of Oli. "I'm not even going to deny it. I'm absolutely obsessed with him." I replied. "You know, I started fantasising about our future wedding last week..." I admitted with a grin. She just laughed. "Oh boy, you're falling down the rabbit hole hard." she stated. I already knew it...

We headed to Venice beach around 2pm and even though it wasn't warm enough to swim, it was still warm enough to lay in the sun for a while, continuing our chats from under big hats and sunglasses to hopefully avoid the paparazzi. The beach was still buzzing with people and salespeople, skaters and bodybuilders at the park and the never-ending swarm of tourists and locals on bikes or rollerblades enjoying the sunshine. My phone buzzed about four times in a row as I was relaxing, and Be automatically gave me shit about it. "Is that your future husband?" she asked jokingly. I wasn't sure, but it would have been late in England, so probably. I was blushing as I checked after she'd called Oli my 'future husband', but it was him and seeing his name on my phone made me smile.
"He's just letting me know he's back in Sheffield." I replied as I read Oli's message. "Aww... and he sent me some cute photos." I added once I'd scrolled down to see what the other messages were about. One of them was from on the boat in London, someone had obviously taken a photo without us knowing and we were gazing at each other so lovingly...
"My God. You really are obsessed with each other." Be said when I showed her. I just thought it was cute. We headed home once the sun set a few hours later and we stayed in to cook dinner. Restaurants were nice, but I'd been to so many lately that it was nice to actually cook, especially with Be since we used to do it so often. We did face masks and watched some rom-coms with another round of margaritas; a true girls night, and I went to bed early; the time difference between London and LA meaning I'd been up for over twenty-four hours, with only a 3 hour nap on the plane in between.

I had a press event the next day; an interview with Extra at The Grove - or more accurately, a sales pitch about the Christmas products available from the lingerie brand... you know, to attract more attention and drive sales. I didn't mind events like that because they were pretty chill, pretty short and I wasn't on my own, I had another model with me - actually my favourite; Lily, the one who'd been nice to me in London. It was the first time I'd done one of these press kind of things for the lingerie brand though. I guess I was famous enough now, lol. I headed off to the event and everything went as expected, then it was a quick-ish outfit change at a nearby hotel and another similar interview, this time out at Universal Studios - which naturally brought back memories of being there with Oli. I then got to head back home to switch outfits YET AGAIN, but this time it was for something fun. I was going as a VIP guest to a music festival; a special Christmas show put on by KROQ; LA's alternative and rock station. Fall Out Boy and Linkin Park were both playing, as were Incubus, System Of A Down and a handful of others. Behati was coming as my plus one too, so it was going to be an amazing night of music.

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