Even though she couldn't and would never do it, the thought in and of itself made him pale slightly. Sighing Enji looked to his watch, only an hour had passed.

"I'll be here longer than I thought." He sighed through his nose once more before standing and heading over to the vending machine. He got himself something to drink then went back to waiting.


The sun was beginning to rise when a baby's cry sounded. Enji looked up snapping out of his half asleep state and now fully aware of what's happening. One of the nurses came out the room motioning that he could now enter. Enji stood putting out the flames around his face then he proceeded to enter. The sight of a exhausted but smiling Rei was what greeted him, however her smile wasn't directed at him, rather it was directed to the tiny bundle in her arms. Before he could even open his mouth to speak Rei began to cry.

"You've come to take her from me, haven't you?" Oh? So he got another daughter. She sniffles, then laughed a broken laugh "Of course you have. Look at where I am... I'm in no place to take care of a child." Shaking her head she cuddled into the sleeping baby. "Just let me hold onto her a little longer." Rei held onto her daughter tightly causing her to squirm a bit in her hold before she got comfortable in her mother's arms again.

Enji inhaled a bit watching the woman he had placed in here for mental unstablity. Not once had she looked up at him. Her smile, though broken and sad was filled with some light and love directed to the bundle of sleeping joy in her arms. She looked stable to those around her, but he knew better.

"Name her." He finally spoke up, his words startling the woman before him. It was then that she finally looked up at him with wide grey eyes.

"Wh, What?" Rei was shocked. Was he actually going to let her name her youngest? She didn't think he would give her that chance incase she chose a terrible name because of her 'unstable mentality.'

Maybe she heard him wrong.

"I said. Name her. However if I find her name unsuitable I will change it and name her myself." He glared down at Rei daring her to choose a terrible name for his daughter.

Rei blinked owlishly up at him before slowly looking back at her daughter. Once again she felt like crying. She wasn't going to be there to watch her grow up. To watch her take her first steps or even say her first word, which definitely isn't going to be mama. Rei shifted twirling the small lock of pink hair that was showing on her head.

"Asami...Todoroki Asami..." The name spilled from her mouth before her mind could catch up but it was one she liked. Enji stayed silent but nodded.

He left to tell the doctor the name given to her. After another two hours of check up to make sure she was healthy, which despite being born early she was, the doctor gave the clear for Enji to take her home. He called his driver and by the time they left the hospital the sun was high in the sky.


Fuyumi was the first one awake as always and after getting dressed she began her task of making breakfast. Although she wasn't allowed to eat with her youngest brother she still made breakfast for him and set the table in hopes that she'd get to eat with him, even if just for a few seconds.

"Mhm? Ohayo." Natsuo yawned his greeting to his sister as he sat down by the table.

"Ohayo Natsu, sleep well?" Natsuo had already began shoveling rice in his mouth only pausing to nod at his sisters' question.

Natsuo was always in a hurry to eat, that way he wouldn't have to stick around when his father would be there.

The sound of the front door opening caught both of their attention and Fuyumi was the first one up to go greet Enji who she assumed pulled an all nighter again. However what greeted her shocked her silent.

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