Chapter Five: shelter and death

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'Impossible. How did it heal?' Ichigo thought to himself.

*It seems that you are calling upon parts of your hollow allowing you to heal your wounds.* replied a familiar voice in the back of Ichigo's mind.

*Zangetsu. Its good to hear your voice. Shiro is what Zangetsu said true?* Ichigo asked.

*Seems that way King. All though may I suggest that Rukia stays here. We don't want for what happened to Renji to happen to her as well.* Shiro replied.

*I see that you have named your inner hollow Ichigo. I would also suggest that you learn how to perform kido spells.*

*I don't know how good I am going to be at them but I will try. We should see if we can find the other Vizard captains and see if they are affected as well.* Ichigo stated. Ichigo cut his link with his inner hollow and zanpakuto to see Rukia gazing outside.

"It feels strange to be back here in this place." Rukia stated.

"Rukia listen, I want for you to stay here. I don't want for what happened to Renji to affect you as well." Ichigo stated.

"But how are you going to subdo those who have been affected. You need me as I can perform the Kido spells to subdo them."

"I was thinking that you could try to teach me a few of them. Whatever is going on out there Rukia will affect you as well. It seems that I am immune to the affects because of what I am. Maybe the other Vizards are as well. I am going to try to find them. Hopefully they aren't affected." Rukia hated to agree with Ichigo's reasoning. As much as she would like to help him out, she would only be in the way. Rukia let out a soft moan.

"All right Ichigo. I will do as you ask even though I have more seniority over you. I know that you will find a way to return everyone back to normal and to stop whatever is happening." Rukia stated earning a small nod from Ichigo. "First we should patch up that wound." she stated pulling at Ichigo's shukakusho.

"Wait Rukia you don't need to do that!" Ichigo shouted out. Rukia's eyes widened when she saw that the wound was no longer visible as it had fully healed. She looked at Ichigo for an explination.

"Zangetsu belives that I am calling upon my inner hollow's ability healing my wounds that I had sustained during battle." Ichigo stated. Rukia nodded her head that she understood. Rukia went to the middle of the room and sat down, cross-legged. She motioned Ichigo to come sit with her, and he did. She let her hands rest in her lap, and she closed her eyes.

"I will teach you the ways of kido, but in order to teach you, you must follow my instructions exactly." Ichigo nodded, agreeing to abide by her instructions.  "Good. I'm going to teach you an easy kido spell only to keep these Hollowfied Shinigami at bay. Now, you first must clear your mind of all thoughts, and focus soully on the art of kido."

Ichigo closed his eyes, trying to clear his mind. He tried to forget everything on his mind. The hollowfied Renji, the weird rain, and Shiro. He pushed it all out of his mind, focusing only on learning kido.

"After your mind is all clear, for the spell to work, you must recite its incantation. Repeat after me: Disintegrate, you black dog of Rondanini! Look upon yourself with horror and then claw out your own throat!" She recited as she drew the kido's kanji in the air. "Bakudo number nine, Geki!" She focused her spell towards Renji, both Renji and herself glowed a deep red, however, Renji was the only one paralyzed.

"Wh-what the hell?" Renji yelled. Ignoring Renji, she returned her gaze to Ichigo. "Your turn," she said.

Ichigo took in a deep breath. Focusing on Renji, and the kido spell, he recited the incantation exactly. Trying his hardest to match Rukia's movements. After the incantation, Ichigo began to glow red, but Renji did not. A spark escaped from his hands, but nothing more. He hung his head in disappointment.

"Try again, this time, make your hand movements more fluent and precise," Rukia suggested.

He tried again, and failed. Rukia kept pushing him, and pushing him until he was he was determined to do this without Rukia, she was determined to make sure he is ready for the journey. Finally, after the incantation, both he and Renji began to glow, and Renji was left paralyzed. Ichigo could barely contain himself. He jumped up in joy, and hugged Rukia tight. Now, he was everything a shinigami was and more.

Rukia giggled. "Now that you've learned a kido spell to detain these beasts. Now please, go find out what's wrong, and save us!" Ichigo nodded, letting her know he's going to do all that he can. He waved good bye to Rukia, and headed off to go see if the other vizards were affected by whatever is making everyone act like this.

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