"How do you like living in the dorms with your classmates?" He asked looking up at me fully. 

"I actually enjoy it. There's almost always something going on in the dorms. Such as movie nights, game nights, or just hanging around talking. It's almost kind of like a huge sleep over with all your friends." I say with a small chuckle. "It's defiantly not boring." I placed my hands in my pockets. 

"So, who would you say your best friends are?"

"Oh, well, Mina Ashido and Eijiro Kirishima. But really everyone is my friend and we can count on anyone for anything. All of us girls get along really well, specially since there's only a limited number of us in a guy ruled class." He chuckled at that. "But living the dorms basically made us a huge family. Even the most hot headed kid can't doubt that we basically like a family." I say with a small smile. I looked around us for a second seeing we were back at the school and everyone stood around talking to each other. Kirishima, Katsuki, Kaminari, Sero and Mina were all standing around each other talking. Katsuki looked over at Tokuda and I, with his usual scowl, Mina waved at us. "Of course everyone has their own group of people they hang around. But that doesn't make us even less of a group of close class mates." 

"I've also noticed that you and Katsuki Bakugo are dating. So what's it like dating someone, that has a hot headed temper?" Tokuda asked fully turning to face me. 

"It's not that bad. At first we had our differences of course. We both didn't get along. But he was there for me when I needed him, he's not all that bad once you get to know him. Yes, his personality can be come paired to a bomb, but once you get know the real him, he isn't like everyone thinks he is." He nodded his head and sent me off, I walked over to Katsuki and the group. 

"So what did you guys talk about?" Mina asked grabbing a hold of my arm as soon as I stood next to Katsuki. 

"Just about, life in the dorms, some questions about my family and how I was raised. Nothing to serious." I say with a chuckle. Katsuki wrapped his arm around my waist, and placed a chaste kiss on my temple. 

        After the day we were all sitting the dorms, doing our own thing, I changed into the U.A track sweat pants and a black tank top and pulled my hair up into a messy bun, I sat on the floor with Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero and Mina working on homework they needed help with. Katsuki sat in a chair behind me, working on homework as well. Tokuda was walking around watching us, taking pictures, and being very quiet as he did so. 

"No, Kirishima. Like this." I say showing him the problem again. "The notes are right in front of you. Use them." I say pointing to the notes. 

"But the notes don't make any sense." He whined lightly. 

"Well, maybe if you didn't fall asleep in math class you wouldn't have that issue." I say to him. He pouted as I said that, looking at the ground and his arms crossed. "And it's not very manly of you to do that." He sighed heavily, before redoing the problem. The other three were laughing at Kirishima. "You guys have no room at all the be laughing. You guys are just as bad." 

"Ugh." They all groaned looking at the ceiling. I chuckled as they began to do their homework again and focusing extra hard to get the problems right. 

      After a while of doing that, it was time for dinner and they had gotten all the problems right by that time. I got up off the floor and stood up straight gathering up all my homework and notes. We all started walking to the dining area. 

"You know, you are so much more nicer than Bakugo over there." Kirishima said stretching his arms above his head. 

"What's that supposed to mean, Shitty hair!?" Katsuki yelled at him. 

"Calm down." I say covering my right ear that he had yelled into. "That's because I don't use abuse when I teach stuff." We got to the dining area, with a fuming Katsuki trailing behind us stomping as he walked. Uraraka had told us that All Might brought us some meat buns. We all said thank you before diving into our dinner. We were all talking and laughing as we ate. Tokuda had left without saying goodbye to us, but no one really had said anything about it. Later on Katsuki and I were in my room as I watered my plants and he sat on my bed mindlessly scrolling through his phone. 

"So what did you think about the whole reporter thing?" I asked, glancing back at him, his red eyes slid up to meet my green ones for a second before looking back down at his phone. 

"It was annoying. Having that extra following us around all day." He grumbled out. I chuckled lightly. 

"Everyone's an extra to you." I mumbled out. 

"What did you say?" I heard him question. 

"Nothing, 'Suki." I say to him not turning to look at him, I heard my bed creek slightly, telling me he stood up. I continued watering my plants, ignoring him. 

"Don't ignore me, Flower Girl." I heard him growl slightly. 

"I'm not ignoring you, if you didn't ask me a question, or talk to me. Hot head." I sighed out. He hates it when I don't pay attention to him, especially when I make a smart ass comment like I just did. All of a sudden, his arms wrapped around my waist and I was thrown over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. "K-Katsuki! Put me down!" I yelled laughing as he tossed me on the bed and flopped his whole body weight on top of me. I groaned under his weight. "You squishing me." I groaned out as I tried to scoot out from under him a little, so I wouldn't die. 

"Well, maybe you shouldn't have ignored me and you wouldn't be in the mess." He grumbled out, refusing to move. 

"Katsuki, if you don't move. I'm not going to be able to breathe." I say to him, he finally scooted down, so his head was on my chest, his arms wrapped around my waist, hugging me close to him. I rubbed my hand up and down his back lightly. "And I wasn't ignoring you. You weren't talking to me." He growled and pinched my sides lightly, making me squeal and jump. I huffed at him and continued to run my hand up and down his back. "You are literally just a giant baby. I swear." 

"Don't make me show you who the real baby is. Because it sure as hell ain't me." Katsuki said looking up at me. I rolled my eyes at him. 

"What ever you say, baby." Next thing I know, he's hovering over me and was biting my neck. "K-Katsuki stop! You're going to leave marks." I say taking his head in my hand and pushing it up, so he was looking at me fully, his cheeks were pushed up because of my hands making his face all squished. I chuckled lightly and placed a kiss on his lips. "I love you." 

"I love you too." He groaned out before just flopping on top of me again, his head rested on my chest again, I turned the light off with the flowers near the light switch. We both slowly fells asleep, as I rubbed his back and he played with my hair.

*A/N: Guys, this season is killing me. I don't want to wait for the next episode to come out. I'll be updating more probably tomorrow night and Saturday.*                     


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