Chapter 7 The Recations

Start from the beginning

"Here let me take her." Arthur said taking Merlin in his arms bridle style. "Alright let's go." He started up the stairs, holding Merlin closer to his chest.


Gaius was busy working on a new type of healing medicine. Merlin was the one who gave him the idea to make a healing potions that works more faster and makes the user more awake when in battle. Speaking of which, Merlin and the knights should be back by now. Thought Gaius.

As if the universe was giving him an answer the door open reviling Gwen and the king carrying a young woman. Gaius rised his right eyebrow wondering what's going on and where was his apprentice.

"Well hello Gwen and your highness, what happened and where's Merlin?" Gwen said hello with a smile and asked if they there was a place they could put the woman down on.

"Right here should be fine." He said nodding his head at the patient table. Arthur walked towards the table, where Gwen fluffed the pillows that was there. Arthur placed the woman down on the table and gently moved her hair off her face.

"So who is this young lady and where is Merlin?" Gaius asked again and this time they did answer. "This is Merlin." Arthur said. And he also told him about what happened and how Merlin is still sleeping.

"Hmm. Well let me take a look at him, I mean her." Gaius said walking to the table. He put his hand on her head it felt warm but not feverish. 'That's good and when she awakes up I'll ask her side of the story and maybe I'll know how to reverse this.' He thought to himself.

"How long has he been asleep for?"
"Um since she got changed, but shouldn't she be up by now?"

Gaius took a minute to think about it. "Hmm, well her body must be really tired, since we can see her outside has changed so we can figure that his insides have changed as well." He explain looking at the two. "So when do you think he'll..." Gwen shocked her head. " I mean she'll wake up?" She asked looking at the sleeping Merlin.

"I don't know but I think we should wake her up, Gwen can you please hand me the potion? It's in that blue bottle."He asked pointing to the bottle. She went around the table and gave it to him. "Alright Arthur I am going to need you to hold her down if not she'll end up kicking the potion out of my hand and then we'll have to wait for her to wake up in the morning, but we need to see if she can wake up today. "Gaius explained.

Arthur nodded his head in agreement. He bent over and grabbed Merlin's arms and held them down. As he watched Gaius take the bottle and pinched Merlin's noise to make sure that the liquid would go down. Gwen helped open the bottle. Once opened Gaius put it to Merlin's lips and poured in down.

It took a few minutes before it started to kick in. Once it did she started kick around and trying to spit the bottle back, but Arthur tightened his grip on her arms. "Alright I think she swallowed it." Gaius said giving Gwen the empty bottle.

All three of them waited for her to wake up. Arthur saw Merlin start to stir, slowly waking up. "Hmmm." She opened her eyes. Looks like she realized where she was. "Gaius I had the most strangest dream. Me and the knights where in the woods. And get this their was a witch that turned me into....." she looked up at them with widened eyes. "Yeah Merlin that wasn't a dream." Arthur said. Scratching the back of his neck.

Arthur watch Merlin's eyes widened again and h- she looked down at herself. "Ugh!" She screamed laying her head back down on the table and put her arm on her head. "Did you guys get the sorcerer or no?" "No." Arthur answered. He was about to apologize when.... "Alright I think it's best for you two to leave so I can fully hear what has happened to Merlin." Gaius said.

"Okay." Gwen said walking to Merlin and giving her a hug in which she returned . She then walked to the door and said good bye and that she'll see them tomorrow. Arthur walked towards Merlin at put his hand on Merlin's shoulder. And he looked into her eyes for what seemed like a minute before he just patted her on the shoulder and said "see you tomorrow." He then look at Gaius and said good bye and walked out closing the door.

"Ugh." Merlin said laying back on the table thinking why can't the king just hug her instead of patting her on the shoulder, heck he even hugs Gawain. So why not her? Anyway back on track Merlin set back up and told Gaius her side of the story.


Ester egg Answers
1.steps of the palace: Into the woods

A/N Sorry this took so long school started and Senior Beta convention happened then I got writers block then YouTube and Anime so sorry I'll get chapter 8 done soon hopefully. Have a nice or horrible day or night.

(Victoria I'm your editor you bettter freakin keep this here🔪)I will🙏 thanks for the help

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