"Rach, I can't move on," he pleaded. "It's too soon and too... confusing."

"For heaven's sake, Daniel, eight months does not qualify as 'too soon'. I've managed to put this behind me."

"I haven't, okay?" His words became less slurred as his advanced metabolism burned the alcohol from his system. The drunken, oblivious expression she'd gotten so used to, turned into one of anguish.

I can't take it. She couldn't deal with his pain, not again. "I'm leaving. If you ever decide you're done feeling sorry for yourself, you'll be able to find me." Rachel turned her back on her best friend and walked out of the bar.

Cold night air hit her face, and her muscles relaxed. She took in a deep breath, holding back her tears. Walking out on Daniel had been one of the hardest things she'd ever had to do, but some part of her strangely felt as if she'd been freed. She could do this. 

Paris looked more beautiful in the moonlight than she'd ever cared to notice before. Rachel walked down the street toward the hotel. She'd pack her bags and leave right away. If Daniel was content with destroying himself, that was his choice. She wanted to find Vlad and make him pay.
Turning right on a bridge, Rachel admired the almost full moon. In about three days, Daniel would need to feed. She shook her head. She'd have to stop linking every aspect of her life to him. It wasn't like her whole world revolved around him.

The light of the moon disappeared as she stumbled down a narrow, empty street. She stopped and leaned her back against a wall, staring up at the sky. Why did she feel so uneasy? The small thrill of freedom had rushed out already, leaving a painful void behind. She couldn't be lonely already.

But, the truth was, her world did revolve around Daniel. He'd always been there for her, every single day. Without him, she would've been lost in this crazy world of blood and gore. It had always been him with the answers while she toddled along in his wake. He'd looked after her for seven whole years, and she'd given up on him after only eight months.

No. She banged her fists against the wall. This was different. He was spiraling into self-destruction and she didn't want to enable him. Not anymore. She had a purpose. She'd be fine on her own. 

A bitter taste filled her mouth. Or maybe she wouldn't.

Rachel pushed herself off the wall and took a few steps down the street. Her stomach churned.

Come on! I can't be feeling this lonely already. Stupid Hunter addiction to affection! But the feeling wouldn't go away. Instead, it intensified, bringing with it a wave of nausea. She stopped in mid step and turned from left to right. Knot in stomach means unease. Nausea and headache equals vampires.

The street was deserted. Heart beating with excitement, Rachel closed up her leather jacket to hide her weapons. It had been so long since she'd last killed a vampire. Her entire body hummed with anticipation.  

Rachel's senses pointed her in the direction of the vampire. She turned the other way and dashed up the street.. A shadow blocked her path. She skidded to a halt. Two of them, huh? Good. She had a lot of frustration bottled up. 

As she backed away, she threw a glance over her shoulder. The blood in her veins froze. The vampire she'd thought was behind her turned out to be two bloodsuckers. Shit. Three was a bit too much. She swallowed the slither of fear creeping up her throat. She could try climbing one of the buildings, but the vampires might still catch her. Maybe they didn't know she was a Hunter. The element of surprise could decide the battle.

"Bon soir, gorgeous."

Rachel flinched and butted against the wall as the two vampires came up from her left. She had to play this just right.

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