Kokuro! Finish him with your "Stinger" as soon as the match starts! You can't hold a candle to him if you fight him normally! But you've got the "Stinger"! Give it to him before he can figure it out! That's the only way you can win!

Kokuro: Uh, how do I say this...I know you've got a lot of money riding on this, so I get how you feel. But don't put me in a box...it pisses me off

Kokuro glares to his boss and then walks up to Y/N

Kokuro: So, I hear you're a big-shot, huh? You look a little young though. The name's Utsubuki Kokuro, they know me in the kengan matches as the "Wolf soldier"

Y/N: Man, the air conditioning is a bit too strong in here...they should turn up a degree or two

Fighter for Taniishi confectionary inc
"Wolf soldier" Utsubuki Kokuro
Kengan match record: 7 wins, 0 losses 


Fighter for General foodstuffs
"Silver Fang" Y/N Kure
Kengan match record: 15 wins, 0 losses

Kokuro: You're the fist top-class fighter I get to fight. So get ready to be supplanted!

Y/N: Oh, sorry...were you talking to me?

Referee: Alright! Take your stance!!

Y/N instead of taking an stance started walking calmly around Kokuro as if taking a stroll.

Kokuro: I'm gonna start off by landing a couple of blows, then hit him with the knockout! Alright, I got this! Let's roll!

Referee: BEGIN!!!!

Kokuro: So, what's it gonna be? I'm ready when you...

Kokuro couldn't finish his thought as Y/N leaped in the air and attacked him with a right roundhouse kick on the middle of the air.

Kokuro managed to block with his arm barely, while on the air Y/N did another kick but this time with his left leg as Kokuro barely dodged.

Y/N: So you dodged that one too, not bad

As Y/N was landing on the ground, Kokuro kicked his left leg with a low kick to throw him off balance, then he started a barrage of attacks on Y/N, This was Kokuro's win ING strategy. A high-speed combination that traded destructive force for landing more blows, he hits the opponent until they stop moving and then lands a finishing blow. On account of the sheer simplicity of this strategy, it's amost impossible for an opponent to get out of it.

Kokuro: My strikes are specialized for landing...but they're not landing on this son of a bitch!!

Y/N was easily parrying each one of Kokuro's strikes, he then dodged below one of his punches and hits him with a short uppercut directly into his chin, Kokuro then throws a kick at Y/N as he dodged the kick without much difficulty.

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