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Danae smiled at me.

D: how is the party

K: it's cool

D: really? You been holding up the wall all night. Come dance with me.

K: nah I'm good. It's kinda hot in here and crowded. I'ma go outside and get some air.

D: you OK?

K: yeah I'm fine

*I get my cup and go outside. I sit on one of the chairs on the back patio. There were some people outside but not like how it is on the inside. The full moon reflected off the pool. It was so beautiful. Just the cool wind and clear sky just kept me at peace. Every now and then some people would try to "whisper" their comments about me as they pass by. I continued to sip my lemonade. I saw couples everywhere. They were so cute. I started to imagine me in a relationship. I was soon knocked out my thoughts*

L: 'cuse me ma, is this seat taken?

K: um no

*I said avoiding eye contact. I started to become self conscious. I pulled my dress down and stared at my lap.

L: you ok?

K: yeah

L: I saw you come out here. No one this beautiful should be out here by themself. I wouldn't want nothing to happen to that pretty face

*this boy is really spitting game. I blushed at his compliments.

L: you have a name?

K: K-Kameron

L: Kameron, I like it. I'm Malik but you can call me Leek.

K: what if I like Malik

L: .....since you a pretty face, I'll let you slide. You from here

K: yeah. My friend brought me to this party

L: coo coo.....you wanna check outta here?

K: but my friend-

L: I don't think she'll mind. *he stands up and holds out his hand.* I don't bite.... unless you want me too *he winks. I stand up and get his hand. He looks me up and down. I start to get uncomfortable and I look away. He smirks and lead me to his car. I kinda felt bad for leaving Danae but I felt safe to leave with a stranger. [lawwwwwd] Malik opened my door for me. I shyly thanked him and got in. I held my breath hoping the car wasn't leaning. Malik got in and started the car. He looked over at me.

L: you iight

K: *I stopped holding my breath and laughed nervously.* yeah

*he smiled and shook his head as he drove off.

L: you hungry

K: um no I'm fine

L: well I am. You mind if we make a stop?

K: no I don't mind

*He pulled up to Chili's.*

L: you coming in or I'ma sit in there by myself?

*he said with a smirk. I got out and followed him in. He opened the door for me and we walked up to the desk. A girl bout 5'5 stood there. She was curvy and may I say she is beautiful. She was eyeing Malik. I looked down at my shoes.

W: hey, cutie. How many *she said biting her lip at Malik*

L: table for two *she looked me up and down and rolled her eyes as she got the menus. She led us to a booth. She gave us our menus and left.

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