The fire you could of died in

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It was after the test, I walked with Al to go to work. I looked up in the sky and saw... smoke. It's coming from the star bucks I work at! I ran to the corner and saw flames pouring out of the shop. I saw Cindy, who's crying. "What the hell happened?!" I yelled. "Where is Mr. Mock?!" Mr. Mock being our boss. I didn't see him any where. Was he trapped in the fire?

"I don't know he told me to leave the shop so I did, when I came back the place was on fire." She cried more. My eyes widen as tears started to form. I tried to go in to the store but Al grabbed my arm and pulled me away. "No! Stop I need to get him! Let me go Al!" I screamed. I had to get Mr. Mock. He was the only one who helped me. He gave me the job when no one would offer a job. He tried to keep the pay as high as he could.

He was the father I didn't have. "Al let me go!" He didn't respawn to me, he only tightened his grip. I didn't give up. After about 3 minutes I broke free of his grasp and I bolted into the shop. Flames were everywhere. Smoke came from the back. I ran down the hall to Mr. Mock's office. I banged on his door. "Mr. Mock please come out!" I yell.

The smoke slowly filled my lungs as no answer came from the door. I hit the door harder. "Mr. Mock! Please I need you!" The flames thinned the beams and one fell next to me. I didn't hear a thing from within the door. I rammed the door over and over again, Trying to open it. "We need to get out of here!"

I was getting ready to ram the door again when one of the thinned out beams fell on me. I screamed at the hot touch. The heat seeped though my clothes. I couldn't push it off. I could feel the blisters that started to form.

"Mr. Mock!" still no answer. "Help me, please, some one!" The smoke claimed my lungs as the beam layed on top of me. It felt like torture. My vision started to darken. "Some one help!" This was going to be my end, and I knew it. Flames around me, bleeding from my arm and face, a melting hot beam on top of me.

Maybe I would see my mother again. Everything went black as I gave into my fate. This is my end.


Cindy call the fire department when Arthur got out of my grip. He dashed into the shop. "Arthur, NO!" I yelled and tried to go after him. Cindy grabbed my arm. "What the hell are you doing?" Was she trying to let Arthur die?

"I'm going to go get Arthur!" I tried to shake her off. "No you're not. The fire fighters are on their way now." She was! She was keeping me from saving him! "Let go!" I yelled at her. A crash of beams was heard. I was scared.

"Some one help!" It was Arthur! I had to go, now! "Cindy let me go, Arthur needs my help." She let go, finally. "Fine get yourself killed for him, he had no chance, he is better off dead!" I didn't have time to tell her what his hell of a life is.

I ran into the store as the fighters arrived. I looked around, I couldn't see Arthur. Where the hell was he? I looked down the hall, seeing a beam on top of familiar tan pants that were now tore and blackened on spots. "Arthur!" I yelled as I ran down the hall. The beam was hot and still on fire.

Arthur didn't move, his eyes were closed. I started to freak out. I reached for the burning beam and lifted it off of Arthur. I threw it to the ground. My hands burned and formed blisters. This couldn't be Arthur's end. The smoke entered my lungs.

I lifted up Arthur with my burning hands. I carried him though the fire. The wooden frame fell.

Don't let this be his end, Alfred, Get him to safety, be HIS hero.

I repeated the words over and over in my head. I pushed away through the fallen wood, making a way out with my foot. I started to feel dizzy as I walked out of the entrance of the shop. Fire fighters fighting the fire, ambulances at the scene. I fell to my knees. The smoke clouding all my thoughts.

They took Arthur out of my hands and forced me into the back of one of the other ambulances. I was rushed to the hospital. I couldn't think straight, my breathes short and rapid, burns to my hands and my leg. I was more worried for Arthur.

Why did he run into the fire? Why when he knew he could die. What if I didn't hear him? What if Cindy didn't let me go? What if the beam killed him? What if he burned alive? I couldn't help but replay what I knew happened then rerun them if I didn't save him.

Just the thought of him dying made me sick. Was he trying to kill his self? Did he feel useless? If that was the case then I would tell him how much he means to me and how much I need him.

The nurse made me stay down in the bed. They bandaged my hands up and cleaned me off. After a while my mom came rushing in along with my dad and Matthew. "Oh my baby! What were you thinking? You could of died!" She pretty much yelled as she ran over to the bed side and hugged my head.

"I'm fine just burns." I looked down at my wrapped up hands. "What were you think?!" My dad had a serious tone. "I had to save him, dad." My mom stopped hugging my head and pulled back. "Who?"

"I had to save Arthur." My thoughts went to him. For all I know he could be dead. The beam could of crushed his internal organs, or burned him badly. Matthew teared up. He was still young, still innocent, for what I know of.

That's all for this chapter. Is Arthur died or alive? Will Al see him again? If Arthur is alive will he call Alfred his hero? only time will tell. bye bye my lovelies

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