And now, here you were. Climbing onto Jungkook's back because you couldn't run after quite a very awkward conversation in a dire situation. You sigh, wishing it had been the opposite. Starting with trouble and then living leisurely. It was like one of those quotes you'd come across when reading...if you ran after life, it showed you all sorts of things.


Your name being yelled at the top of Taehyung's large lungs made your heart leap. Like a bird, you raise your head so as not to shout in Jungkook's ear and instantly respond to the call of a beloved.


You suddenly notice something in the midst of your screaming. A large greyish orange butterfly comes out of nowhere, almost fluorescent and glowing in the dark. As Jungkook keeps running it almost seems to flutter around him. However, too involved in pushing aside branches and searching for the others, he doesn't notice it. But you do. You watch it curiously as you bounce along on his back. It acts strangely, like no other butterfly. Of course, this was a different planet so you didn't assume anything ordinary but still...something about the way it followed you around. This was-

"Jungkook wait, " You say suddenly. You cling onto him more tightly as if to pull the brakes by dragging him back. "Slow down."

"What's up?" he pants, ceasing his rushed pace and coming to an almost walking pace. He tries to look over his shoulder as he asks, "Are you okay?" You feel him hold you more gently, palms pressing upwards against your ass, hoisting you further up his back. You try to ignore all these movements of kindness and focus on your discover. "Look at this," you turn your head, to search for the butterfly that had been flying with you all the way on its petite wings was nowhere to be seen.

"Look at what?"

You falter, looking around curiously for the butterfly that had been there moments ago. Had you been wrong? Was it just an illusion or maybe an innocent butterfly. Breathing in, you suddenly inhale the scent of smoke. Jungkook sniffs the air as well, smelling the wafty campfire smoke. Shit. It had really been you, you think. You'd left those sparks to create this whole blow out and the worst thing was that you couldn't tell where the fire was going or where the others were. For all you knew, you could be running towards the fire and in the opposite direction of the boys.

"I saw a butterfly," you begin. "That butterfly...its Yoongi's. I know it is. It was following us...just...where did it go?"

Jungkook suddenly takes a step back. Feeling his uncertainty through his body, he confesses. "Y/N...I think we're lost."

You press your lips together in the utmost despair. The quiet that follows is one of great dread. All you hear the simple sounds of nature, the calm of the forest. You strain your ears and hear a soft crackling in the distance. Your heart instantly pounds faster as you close your eyes, realizing what the sound was.

"I think so...too," you say softly against his neck. You expect him to put you down but he just holds you there. You wriggle a little, to show him through your body language that you were fine and he could put you down but he hoists you up further, looking straight.

As if he didn't want to see you.

You gulp in the silence. Night owls hoot, soft rays of moonlight highlight the forest and the both of you just stand there in the complete silence, swamped by the cold and fear of being lost. You don't know how long the both of you just stood there like that, thinking but not thinking.

"What did you mean," he says suddenly, scaring you a little by the abrupt start. A sort of low-lying anger brews in the deep tones of his voice as he tries to speak normally to you. "When you said that I only like you 'cause you're the last...girl...alive?"

You bite your lower lip as you look down on him. His voice is so quiet but the forest is even quieter. It's like he's speaking to you without saying anything and you and him are the only two people that exist in the entire night. You completely forget about the other boys for a moment. You watch his head in front of you, but it's rock still, looking right ahead of him like a guard dog.

Did he really have to do this right now? Weren't there more pressing matters rk solve? But the way he was standing rock still and hard you felt you weren't going to be moving anywhere unless you answered him

You will the universe to bring about some interruption but nothing comes. You had to reply and he was waiting for it. But you didn't want to. Because you couldn't explain it in a better way without perhaps hurting him and hurting you and top of it you didn't want to have this conversation like this. With you stuck on his back like this, unable to run away from confrontation. You jus-

"Do you see me as some sort of fuckboy who'll fall for anyone?" Your throat hitches as he unexpectedly continues. He was making it harder and harder for you to formulate a reply. At the same time, he was opening up further and further. You look away, towards the tree canopies as if the sky could lift you away. But the dazzling stars like a purple ocean of lightsticks making the world of ARMY just reminded you of his shining eyes. You couldn't read his expression sitting on top of him like this and some part of you didn't want to see it.

"Is that why you keep comparing yourself to others?"

I'm not like other girls.

Your own words bite you as they ring in your ears. You feel his hands let you go. No no no no...slowly sliding off his back, you come to a standing on your own feet. You feel his tall height dominate you once again as he slowly turns around. He looks hurt. His eyes shine in the darkness of midnight as he looks at you.

"What do you think of, when you look at me?"

All these questions were attacking you, echoing right in your mind. You don't say anything, eyes tracing over his face. You don't know how many times you'd done this, just looking over the features of his face. That haircut that was your creation, you realized just how ugly it was yet his hair had grown out and fixed him in such an imperfectly perfect way. That scar that he'd proudly shown off. The soft glow of his skin, the shadows dancing of his jawline and nose. He was your age. He was just like you.

As your eyes move onto his lips, suddenly comes in front of it. Soft wings spread out in front of his face, expanding as they open and fly upwards between the both of you. You look up suddenly, catching sight of the butterfly you'd been looking for earlier. You sink in relief, so glad that the once person who always pushed the both of you together was now here to help you escape this.

Looking at you more intensely he steps forward, blinking softly. You lean backwards a little intimidated as he ignores what you'd said just as you'd ignored what he had said. He wasn't going to let it go, no, he wanted an answer right now no matter what it was.

"Tell me." He demands at once and you swallow, confirming your doubts. You raise you head unwillingly, hating what you were about to do. You'd never done something like this in your life and you'd never figured you were going to be in the place to do so. You knew it would be harder for him, but as he'd gotten the courage to confess you'd have to confess back. He had to know the truth. And even if your emotions were a mess, you'd never once lost against yourself with this. If he hadn't got the message the first time, if his hope had wavered and he'd still come running after you, you had no choice but to conform. No matter the reason for why. You knew what you wanted to say.

Meeting him right in the eyes you declare:

"Jungkook you and I aren't meant to be together. But we have to get out of here and we have to get out out here now. "

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