Chapter 1: Rescued

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Seven years, five days, seventeen hours and sixteen minutes. That's how long I've been locked up in the dungeons for. Of course, it's not the dungeons of the pack I was born in, but that of the pack that captured me.

I was kicked out of my old pack because I was the runt, the weakest link. I had an early shift, in front of every pack member and I was given an immediate oust from the pack. At first, it hurt to lose all connections with my old pack, and for a week I was free.

But then, I was captured, shoved into a tiny dungeon and never let out. The only time I was let out, it was for them to beat me, and even then, I was bound by silver shackles. I was always locked up, rarely given food so I killed the rats that wandered into my tiny dungeon cell and ate them. Gross I know, but beggars can't be choosers.

"Get the runt. It's time for her daily beating!" Someone called from the end of the long dungeon hall. I couldn't see who it was because it was pitch black, there weren't any windows or daylight and the only way to see your way down here was with a flashlight.

I whimper and back into the corner. As usual a different guy came down to my dungeon cell and dragged me from it. I kept my head down and stayed silent. I know what's going to happen.

I was dragged out of the dark dungeon hallway, up the stairs and into the blinding bright light. I was thankful for my eyes adjusting fast to the light.

The excruciating pain from the silver shackles opened up burns from yesterday, I saw a trail of blood drip down my hand. I was used to seeing that.

I was pulled into the "Torture Room" where the guy shackled up my feet, opening burns and making them bleed. That was just the beginning. After the shackles around my feet were in place, I was forced down on the floor, what little remained of my clothes where torn into unwearable rags, I was left completely naked.

I heard the sharp crack of a whip and felt the sharp sting from the whip on my back, I screamed in pain as the whip came into contact with my back harder and more painful. When whoever was whipping me grew tired of the whip, he took a Wolf Bane laced knife and cut the word 'runt' into my back in capital letters. I screamed in pain, but didn't beg for them to stop, I had learned not to beg a long time ago.

When the guy was finished carving into my back, he grabbed me by the hair and punched me in the face. Soon, ten other guys joined in. They kicked, punched, slapped, chocked, and whipped me until they grew tired of beating me.

I was dragged, fully naked, back to my dungeon cell, where I was pushed to the ground. Some guy too off my shackles and left, locking the door to my cell so I couldn't escape.

I was in too much pain to move so I stayed where I was. I laid on the ground tired, named, hungry and sore. In that moment, I lost all hope of getting out of here alive.

I lay there and cry, I cry until I have no tears left to shed. I let fatigue consume me and fell asleep.

The sound of growls woke me, and despite my protesting and aching body, I got up and huddled into the corner, fear of being brutally beaten for the second time in one day, consumed me.

As the growls got louder a scent of fresh rain and the woods invaded my nose, it made my wolf, Lilac jump in joy.

I curled up even tighter into a tiny ball, when I heard footsteps heading down the dungeon hall. The light from a flashlight made me hide my face.

The sound of my dungeon cell door being opened, made me whimper in fear. The smell of fresh rain and the woods was even stronger now. I look up at the silhouette that could be seen due to the flashlight being on him.

"Mate!" He growls out, I whimper in fear. He takes a step closer to me and I uncurl myself from the ball and move to the other corner.

"Don't be afraid of me. I'm not going to hurt you." He says, reaching a hand out to touch me, I whimper and cower away in fear. He moves closer to me, his hand finally coming in contact with one of the burns on my wrist.

I scream in pain, moving away from him a little. "Sire, it would seem that your Mate has been abused. Might I suggest we take her back to the palace." Someone said, I looked up through my knotted hair and see another male silhouette behind the guy who was couching down in front of me.

"Get her something to wear first, then we'll go back to the palace." He says picking me up, cradling me in his arms. Soft fabric is pulled over my head, and I feel the gentle movements of the guy who was carrying me as he walked.

Too sore to do anything, I closed my eyes andlet sleep consume me.

His Tiny Abused and Innocent Runt (Edited Version)Where stories live. Discover now