🍰We Can Rule Together🍰

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In this AU, known as that Kingdoms AU (not sure if someone has already taken this), Prince Shoto is the heir to his throne and still need to find a groom to rule with. He decides to have a big ball for all of the people in the village. He plans to find one to marry....but who...

(This AU does NOT include quirks.)

(Just so this story makes sence, Endeavor, the king, is going to be......nice.... Don't hate me pwease!!!)

*Izuku's POV*

"Honey!! We've got a letter..um.... " My mom started. She gasped out of surprise at the letter. As she took her time to look at the outside of the letter, I took it from her hand and read the letter out loud, so we could both hear it.

"You are chorally invited to the Prince's Winter Ball in three days time. At this ball, the prince will be choosing a prince or princess to take as his bride or groom." 

There were a few smaller parts about what you could wear if you didn't have ballroom clothes, in which case I had my fathers old one before he died. I hugged my mom. "Mom I can't believe it! We were invited to the Prince's ball!" She looked at me with a sincere look. "Not we honey, you." She said, making me a little nervous. 

"W-What do you mean by that?" She hugged me one more time, with a smile on her face. "It's time you go somewhere without my help. Plus this is a big opportunity for you! I don't want to ruin things in case you.....y'know......do get the prince's heart." She smirked. "Oh come on mom! He's not going to choose me, or any other guy." I said a little sad. I've never seen the prince, no one has in our kingdom, unless you've worked in or with the palace. 

"Oh really Izuku? Then why on earth would he put '...the prince will be choosing a prince or princess to take as his bride or groom'?" She asked me as she trailed her finger across the letter to keep her place, or to show me exactly where it was.

"W-Well.... I-I don't know...maybe he'll think I'm to quirky... or maybe...I um...dress funny... or look weird?" My mom hugged me, causing me to be cut off. "Honey it's fine if he doesn't pick you. In fact, maybe you shouldn't go by yourself in hopes to meet the prince. I think you should go with your friends!" I thought about it for a while and then responded. "Well we both know Kacchan is probably going to go with Ejirou, if he's going at all, Tenya is probably working with his parents, and Tsuyu and Ochako are probably going together, but hey, they're adorable together, so I'm not complaining!" I said smiling at her. "Okay well, why don't you get going to the milliner? You could pick up some fancy clothes to wear for yourself! I'll lend you a bag of coins I've got stashed away and I'll give em to you to go and buy any suit you'd like!" she said with a bright smile. I hugged her a little tighter . "Oh thank you so much Mama!" She hugged me back. "Anytime! Now I'll go grab that bag and you can go on ahead into town and buy yourself the best one you can find!" She exclaimed as I headed out the door.

I started to walk down the village, searching for "Momo's Milliner". I saw that there were a lot of people, mostly girls, running around town for the best milliner in town, which was sadly Mineta's... mainly because he made revealing clothes, some showing cleavage, some showing shoulders, but a lot of it. Some even showed all the way down the back. The best part; Mineta only made women clothes, while Momo made both! She's also very good at making clothes. She totally deserves to be on top, but nope, Mineta did of course... Anyway's back to my quest!

I walked into the store while the small bell rang as I opened the door. Welcome to Momo's Milliner! How can- Oh hey Izuku-Kun!! How's ya doin'?" she asked all cheery. "I'm doing good! Heh... I'm guessing you're here for a totally eye catching outfit for the prince to notice you at the ball?" She said taking me to the back of the shop still very cheery. "H-Heh... It really got out that quickly?" I said sorta blushing. "What the fact you're here for an outfit or the facts you're gay?" She said smirking a little, then giggling.  

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