The Daily Life of Castor and Aster (feat. Anton and the Zodiacs II :D)

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{The sound of a camera clattering. Blurry, dark shapes move across the front of the camera, until the figure moves their hands away from the camera and the camera focuses on the bedroom wall behind.}

{The figure steps in front of the camera, only for the camera to unfocus again. The figure — now more clearly seen as a boy with blonde/beige hair tinged with green — is clearly exasperated by this, and puts his hands on his hip.}

???: ASTER!

???: What do you want, Castor? I'm busy working.

CASTOR: You're always working, Aster! C'mon outside — I have something fun to do!

ASTER: I nearly have the results I want! Give me a minute... or a couple of hours.

CASTOR (sighs): You're going to hide away in your room for another week if I ever let that happen.

{CASTOR walks out of view of the blurry camera. He quickly returns, carrying a series of papers in his arms.}

{ASTER — a purple haired girl with her hair in pigtails — walks into view of the camera, sighing as she follows him.}

ASTER: Can I have my data back now?

CASTOR: No! You can have it later — you promised you would do this with me!

ASTER: Do what?

CASTOR: I'm making a video! Remember? The vlog?

ASTER: The... what?

CASTOR: The vlog! You know, the video about our daily lives? Also, help me fix the camera! It's not working!

ASTER (sighs): When did I agree to this?

{A long pause. CASTOR appears to be giving ASTER a look, but the camera is too blurry to catch anything else.}

ASTER: Fine, I'll do it. But I need to get back to work soon.

{ASTER approaches the camera. With some fiddling, the camera finally focuses. ASTER returns to her spot next to CASTOR.}

ASTER: So what are we doing?

CASTOR: Just watch and learn, my faithful student! Also, you didn't turn off the recording, right?

ASTER: It was recording?

CASTOR: You haven't touched it? Good! Alright, I'm Castor! This is my bestie, Aster! This is going to be a vlog about our daily lives!

ASTER: I can't see why anyone would want to hear about our daily lives.

CASTOR: Nah, of course they do! Hey, guys! Get this video to a thousand likes and I'll post a second one about... eh, I'm not sure, but I'll get around to it!

CASTOR (gestures up at the ceiling, where a clock is presumably at): So, right now it's 9:05. Never mind, it's 9:06 in the morning. Can you believe Aster was working so early in the morning? I know, it's impossible to imagine!

ASTER: I... what?

CASTOR: Yeah! That! So, first, for one of our very normal activities in our daily lives in the exact same dimension, we'll be having breakfast! I have a friend who'll most definitely be willing to help us out here – c'mon, Aster, let's go!

{CASTOR sprints out of view. ASTER doesn't move.}

CASTOR: Hey, Aster, c'mon! You have to eat, you know!

ASTER: Aren't you forgetting something?

{CASTOR sprints back into view of the camera.}

CASTOR: Right, I forgot! Thanks for reminding me, Aster! You're the best!

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