"Hopefully. They work things out because if Landon starts with the sniveling again. I'm dumping his body in a pond." Carla huffs before turning her attention back to Tracy, "Why are you so quiet? If you need to talk to Jackson then go see your mother or wait until tomorrow when he comes to help with weapons training."

"No, I want to see him without everyone about so I think I'll go this afternoon before mom and Jordan get home from work."

"Tiffany?" Carla asked with a hard edge to her voice.

"Yeah." Tracy sighed knowing that their former school bully was a sore subject especially after she poisoned and basically raped Carla's mate.

Raising a brow, Carla said, "I'm guessing that Jonathan is not in favor of you going to meet a rogue king?"

"Nope." Tracy said popping the "P" sound, "I'm going to have to sneak out."

"GREAT! We're coming too!" Reilly said in a loud voice behind them.

"Shh!" Tracy glared. Reilly just grinned while Firelight alighted from his seated position on Reilly's shoulder to stand next Carla's side growing so that he stood eye level on the bench.

"Where are we sneaking off too, Love?" Firelight asked putting a small hand on Carla's shoulder.

"Hands off." Carla bit out.

Firelight leaned forward and rested his head on her shoulder, "Aww don't be like that My Love."

"Dude that's my cousin-slash-step-sister and it's just weird you trying to hook that up." Reilly said disgusted, "Love is a drug, man. Bad enough that I have to painfully watch Jack and Landon get destructive with 'Cupid Crack' but you're gonna start trying to take a hit from the 'Happy Homemaking Heroine' then I'm looking into better options for replacement friends."

"Replacement friends?" Tracy asked as Carla pushed Firelight off the bench.

"Don't encourage him." Carla ground out.

"Yup. They in the loser couple carpool lane now. Bitches coulda been riding free but now they gonna be stuck with the pink pussy minivan in HOV. Stands for Hoes On Vacation from the good life," Reilly elaborated, "I don't roll like that. I like keeping my options as open as all my girlfriends' legs."

Tracy and Carla glared, "Well I've lost half my brain cells listening to this." Carla said.

"Love, you can lose all the brain cells and I will still care for your beautiful inert body." Firelight cooed as everyone looked at him with weirded out expressions.

"Wow. That was.... Man wanting to marry a vacuum creepy." Tracy said.

"Too much, Lighter man." Reilly said shaking his head.

"I think ya'll need to leave." Carla said.

"Nah, we good." Reilly said pushing Carla over so he could hog half the bench.

"Oh is that your Alpha I hear calling you?" Tracy asked innocently.

"Great!" Reilly said looking unconcerned, "I can let him know that our Luna is 'sneaking' around."

Tracy sighed, "If it weren't the fact that I don't want to upset my mother by murdering her mate's son..."

"Yeah, yeah. So what joint are we robbing?"

"We're taking Tiffany to her debatably better half."

Firelight stiffened at the name of the female who had caused Carla so much pain. He liked Carla a great deal. She had a natural strength that wasn't forced or faked, unlike so many of these "independent women" who act as if they were trying to grow their own dicks. But like men with tiny penises and huge Napoleonic Complexes, they were more annoying than "strong."

Reilly grimaced, "Why? The bitch can rot in that hole she shits in for all anyone frucking cares."

At that moment Jonathan mind linked Tracy. Tracy held up her hand for silence.

Jonathan: Babydoll?

Tracy: Hey babe.

Jonathan: I have to leave now to go to the Pine Hill Pack. They're our allies and have declared an emergency meeting. I probably won't be back until tomorrow night or the following morning. Jack will look after things until I get back.

Tracy: What's wrong?

Jonathan: Rogues more than likely.

Tracy: I should come with you.

Jonathan: No. We'll be fine. I have to go. I love you.

Tracy: Love you too. Be safe.

The mind link closed. Tracy looked at the others, "The person who left us that message knew that Isiah was innocent, she also provided an antidote."

Carla growled slightly at the reminder that the antidote didn't work in a timely enough manner.

Tracy continued, "She wants us to give Tiffany to her mate so I need to talk to Jackson to find out where to find this rogue king is located."

"Why do this at all?" Firelight asked.

"Because I need to find Lucy and that journal. People were willing to slaughter hundreds of innocents to reach it. I figured that if I complete the tasks I've been given then somehow the way to find her would magically appear." Tracy sighed, "It sounds crazy but I saw what Isiah saw. In order to save the world we're going to need to break a few rules."

"OR simply find a way to change them." Cade said cutting into the conversation.

"Perhaps the middle of the training grounds is not the best place to have a private conversation." Tracy said eyeing the vampire, ""Less people that know about this..."

"My loyalty is to you." Cade assured.

"Well then," Carla said standing, "let's get this disaster started. Shall we?"


I've once again have hit a wall of ugly... I'm at the end. And nothing, nada, zip, zero... stupid writer's block. I'm going to keep posting chapters until I run out of my pre-written ones. I already know where I'm going with the second book but I can't start on that before this one is finished or my train of thought will wreak itself somewhere in the middle of the Atlantic. 


On a side note, your comments, adds, and votes really inspire me to create more. I appreciate ever single one. Ya'll are awesome!

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