Chapter Seven

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Lexi's POV
I was extremely grateful for Rose and Esme because they understood to a point. Esme has her baby but it died from sickness. Rose always wanted a baby but never got the chance. I was extremely sad. After I finished eating, I went up to mine and Edwards room to sleep some more. I didn't feel like doing anything. I just wanted my baby girl. I started to think about her and silently started crying. I guess Edward heard and he rushed upstairs. "Lexi!" He said. I jumped into his arms. "I'm sorry I screamed when you tried to grab me." I said still crying. "It's ok." He reassured me. I just sobbed into his shoulder. He placed me back on the bed and I calmed down. As I was drifting off to sleep there was a knock on the door. Edward opened it and Isabella was right there. Edward growled, "What do you want?" Isabella smiled. "To give my condolences." She said clearly lying. "I don't want your condolences." I growled. She frowned, growing angry. "Why are you even still here?" Edward growled. She looked down. Edward walked out dragging her down the steps throwing her outside. I giggled when I heard her get up and start screaming at Edward, but he just walked back into the house making sure to lock the door. After banging on the door for some time, and getting no answer, Isabella gave up and left. I sighed. We were finally rid of that stupid human. Edward came and cuddled with me. I leaned into him, drifting off to sleep.
When I woke up, Edward was next to me reading a book. "What time is it?" I asked. "Um 10:50, I believe." He said. I gasped. "Really?! I slept for 11 hours?!" I exclaimed. "Yes." Edward said still wrapped up in his book. "What are you reading?" I whined. "Pride and Prejudice." He said. "Boring!" I said, giggling. He laughed. "Oh? And what is your definition of a good book?" He asked. "Mmmm, Harry Potter or Percy Jackson." I said. He gagged. I hit him. "Hey! Those are good books! At least I'm not reading you're crazy love story!" I said gagging. "Well for you information Pride and Prejudice happens to be the number one bestselling authors book right now." He said. I gagged. "Who cares?" I said. "Edward!!!!!" I said whining. "What?????????" He said in the same tone. "I'm hungryyyyyyy!" I said. He nodded. "And?" He asked. I slapped him upside the head getting up. "I'm going downstairs to talk to some nice people. The people up here are extremely rude." I said throwing my hair up in a messy bun, and putting some new sweats on. Edward raised his eyebrow. "What?!" I asked. "You're gonna put on more sweatpants?" He asked. I nodded. "And?" I said mimicking him. He laughed. I fake smiled. "Peace homie!" I said walking out the door, laughing. I went downstairs and smelt something delicious. I ran down the stairs. "Food!" I said. "Rose!" I said. She came out. "Hm?" She asked. "What is that wonderful smell?!" I asked. "I'm starving and Edward wouldn't feed me." I said. She laughed. "Grilled Cheese." I smiled. I ran and sat at the island. Esme saw me and put a grilled cheese in front of me with a glass of water.

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