Chapter 7: Fixing you

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Damian's POV

I slowly blinked my eyes open as I decided it was time for me to actually get up. It's been... I don't even know how long since I have been in this room. It was drenched now because of they way they decided to pour water all over me. Blood stained the concrete that I laid on with scratches and cuts that littered my face, arms, and legs. My back had words carved into it but, I didn't know what they said. They didn't tell me.

My vision had gotten blurry and I don't know how it happened. All of a sudden I woke up and my vision was worse than it usually was. It was almost like I was going blind. I knew that couldn't have been the case unless they did something to me that I don't know about. I didn't seem to have any needle marks but I'm not so sure of anything anymore.

I jerked up from my position after a loud bang sounded throughout the room. It was worse when the sound echoed off the walls. It made me want to cover my ears but I was in too much pain to even move my arms. I glanced toward the door and saw a shadowy figure. I blinked a few times to make sure I was seeing right. The figure was defiantly a female body. It couldn't be someone trying to save me because there would have been a lot of gun fire and fighting that he would have heard.

The figure walked closer toward me and I didn't move as I knew what would happen to me every time I would try and resist torment. My eyes adjusted and I saw a face that I hadn't seen in a long time. I didn't know how I should feel. It had been a long time since I had seen her face. After she left me, how could I forgive her? After everything that she had done in the past?


I knew my voice would be raspy and I knew it wouldn't sound its best but I knew I had to respond.

"Hello.... Mother."

I could see a smile creep up on her face and she slowly moved her hand to tuck a piece of my hair behind my ear. It wasn't that long but it was enough. I visibly flinched but it didn't seem like she cared. She couldn't be the one that was doing this to me... could she?

"I know what your probably thinking. Why am I here all of a sudden? That is simple. I want you back as my own. After I did the things I did and I left you with Bruce, I knew you wouldn't come back willingly. The only way that I could get you was like this. Of course, Bruce had to be convinced so we had to do slight torture. You can handle it though. Your an Al ghul."

That is probably what has pissed me off the most. She didn't know what happened with Joker. She didn't know all that has changed in my life due to living with Father. It had gotten better considering what had happened and it would be the day I die when I go back with her. I leaned closer to her face and used the last bit of saliva that I had left in my mouth to spit into her face.

"I'm a Wayne. I won't go back to you no matter how much you try. You don't know how much living with Father has changed my life do you? It was almost like a miracle had happened. I want nothing to do with you."

My voice wheezed when saying everything but I was just glad that my voice had lasted this long. I saw her wipe the spit off of her face and later wipe it on the outfit that she was wearing. It looked like her original assassination outfit. She smirked and whipped her hand forward which caused me to whip my head to the side. I felt a throbbing pain on my left cheek but I decided to ignore it as I just decided to stare at the ground.

"Trust me Damian. You will be back with me. Even if it has to be with force." I felt my head jerk up and stared into her eyes. They didn't seem to hold any emotion toward me or anything else for that matter. I grimaced in pain and tried to hide it the best I could. Mother noticed and started laughing.

"This is going to be so much fun. Guards!"

Swarms of people with heavy artillery filled the room. I heard my mother say something but my hearing went out for a second. One of the guards stepped forward and let me out of the chains that were attached to my ankles. Before I could do anything, as if I could do anything, they pulled me up and into their arms dragging me along the ground toward, what I assumed, was a different room.

I had my eyes shut most of the time not being used to the light that filled the hallway. I didn't know lights could be this bright before. It's probably because I'm not used to the light. Before I knew it, I was in a room where they strapped me to a cold metal table. I slowly opened my eyes as the light had dimmed. I looked around and noticed the walls completely white. It was like a dentist's office. There was a tray that was next to the table that help what looked to be three syringes all with different color liquids in them, a sharpie marker and a scalpel. I gulped at the sight and looked down at my hands.

There were straps around my wrist and my legs. I didn't try to struggle. There was no point as I knew I wasn't going to get out anytime soon. I watched in front of me as the door opened and my mother walked in with a doctor by her side. He immediately went toward the table and picked up the sharpie marker. He slammed my head to the side and forced me to stay still as he drew what seemed like an "x" on my neck. I let out a wince of pain but they didn't seem to care.

"We are going to fix you Damian. You will return as my son."

I felt a sharp pain in my neck and all of a sudden my head was on fire. I let out a scream and my vision went black. It was like my thoughts swirled. It felt like things were disappearing from my mind and being replaced..

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