Chapter 1

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Smiling into the sun as it warmed my shoulders and the sidewalk on my short walk to work I hummed as I thought about how lucky I was to have my apartment be only four blocks from the little coffee shop where I spent most of my evenings making lattes and smoothies. I've been working there for the past three years while I worked towards my degree in costume making. There had been so many times that I sat at the bar and sketched out jackets and dresses for upcoming theater productions that I helped with or unique detailing I could add to my ever growing and changing closet. My apartment was small but it was all I needed;  I didn't mind that it was located over a little family run Japanese restaurant, plus it was the cheapest I could find in a decent part of New York City without the building itself being condemned and without the threat of a bad part of town. 

The chiming of the bell on the front door mirrored my chipper attitude as I strolled in and pulled on my pink floral kimono over my black tank top and skinny jeans. The messy green haired boy behind the counter gave me a little wave and went back to writing a name on a cup for the customer in front of him. Izuku was probably my favorite coworker as he was always in a good mood and had wonderful ideas and theories about comics or the stories he was writing, he could get into these rants about the different characters and how they related to each other and he'd go on and on until a new customer came in or our drip brew timer went off.  I smiled and gave him a little wave back as I ducked around the counter to put my stuff down in the back. As I was putting my purse into one of the little cubbies next to the industrial sinks I peeked at the work schedule for today to which my eyebrows stitched together. "ugh Yuga" 

Now it wasn't that I didn't 'like' Yuga, but it was the fact that he was the store owner's son and could literally get away with anything including not showing up for his shifts. Izuku put a couple small plates into the sink, "Oh ya I saw that too. It still puzzles me why Mr. Aoyama hasn't done anything about him yet." I let out a little huff but grinned at the freckled boy next to me, "Ya, Mr. Aoyama is so nice it just doesn't make sense why Yuga turned out to be such a brat but he seriously gets anything he wants and there seems to be no repercussions, but then again we have no idea what goes on outside of the shop." Izuku brought his thumb and forefinger up to his chin pondering what I said, "You know Ochako, you may be onto something." I chuckle a little but pat him on the shoulder, moving past him to put on my apron so I could start my shift. 

Closing shifts were my favorite, they were typically pretty slow paced and calming. It gave me most of the day beforehand to work on my sewing, using the natural light to help save on electricity and to soak in all the warmth I could before winter set in and to hand stitch more accurately. The tables and chairs of the small coffee shop were usually scattered with other college students studying, couples out on dates, or old men sharing chatter about the recent political polls. While most of the patrons I knew by name or order, them often sharing about each other's days over the two foot counter I manned while grinding beans or frothing milk, new customers always seemed to wander in for a late night latte or cup of tea. 

After an hour or so Izuku clocked out and headed out of the door quickly so he could "get home and write down all my new ideas! I've got a killer villain that I think my hero protagonist is going to have a tough time with!", I watched with a smile as he unlocked his bike from the bike rack out front and peddle past the large storefront windows. He was a funny kid, just coming into his freshman year of college and going into creative writing, go figure. I settle into my groove and put my playlist on the shop speakers to then dive into the store closing list that I've done about a thousand times. While I'm restocking the espresso beans into their respective hoppers I hear my phone ding in the back, I cap the machines again and check off my mental checklist of stocking and cleaning as I head to the back. '1 unread message from Yuga Work' I impulsively roll my eyes and swipe open the message. "I won't be in tonight." I scoff a little, "No shit dummy."

 As I walk back out to the front, there is a tall guy with a black beanie on, tufts of spiky blond hair sticking out from under it along with a purposefully tattered jean jacket with patches decorating the arms is standing in front of the register. "Oh hi there!" I pick up my pace and my previously forgotten smile and bring myself in front of the station monitor. "What can I get for you today?" The guy pulled out his wallet from the back pocket of his black skinny jeans then smirked at me, "Dummy?" I blush a little, "oh, ya, sorry you heard that, just a coworker thing." Nodding while he looked up at the menu board then back down to me, "I'll just get a small black coffee of whatever is freshest. So did they fuck something up or what?" I nod as I type in his order then shake my head, "No they just didn't show up today, is that for here or to go?" the new customer bit his lip around the black lip ring that occupied the space there. "to go" "That will be two dollars even, any room for cream?" He shook his head as he opens the black leather wallet and hands two bills over, I put them into the register then grab a paper cup and a sharpie from my apron pocket. "Name?" I say with my marker poised and ready, my ears pick up a small chuckle, "Why? Do you want my number to go with it?" I look over at the now smirking blond and roll my eyes with my own smirk. Putting a hand on my hip I give him a 'now listen here mister' look and change the subject back to the original intention, "No for your cup dummy." The smirk grows into more of a grin as he leans onto the counter, "How about dummy?" I reciprocate the smile and write 'dummy' in cursive on his cup then fit a sleeve over it and fill it with hot coffee. After I cap it, I set the cup on the counter, "Well here you go dummy have a good night." "Oh I will sweet cheeks" He picked up the cup and headed towards the door while I freeze and my face heats up. The patched jean jacket opened the door and threw a peace sign over his shoulder.

A short older gentleman slowly made his way up to the counter with his empty mug and brought me back to reality, "Back in my day I used to woo all the young gals with smooth lines like that. Ha, we would dance till the sun came up or our feet gave out. They used to call me 'Gran Torino' because I had the fastest fox trot in town, oh what I wouldn't give to be able to dance like that again." The heat in my face started to dissipate a little, "Oh Sorahiko, I'm sure you still do. Can I get you another fill up?" The gray haired man waved his hand to dismiss the question, "Oh no darlin, I'm done for today but I'll be back tomorrow for some more." I pick up a broom and start sweeping the front line, "Sounds good, I'll see you then." 

The rest of the evening went by fairly quickly given that my mind was preoccupied with a certain black lip ring. After I locked up the shop I smiled to myself as I looked up at the moon that hung over this small stretch of street and let myself indulge in a little romance; it had been so long since I'd let myself think about such silly things like love and dates and being swept off my feet that it seemed almost foolish for my parents to let me watch all those princess movies as a kid in the first place, although that is where I first learned to love dresses and fabrics in how they could catch the eyes and the light of a room. And just like that I was back to thinking about the hours of seams I had to stitch together and the lists of materials I still needed to acquire. 


Hello Hello! 

This little coffee shop idea has been rattling about in my noggin for awhile so I thought i'd jot it down while I can, this story will probably be slow going but I'll update when inspiration strikes. I'm trying to be more consistent in length and the book will primarily be from Ochako's POV. So Have fun and I'll see you soon! <3

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